Monday, October 10, 2005

I seek a people to call out after My own name

...The LORD God has looked for a people all through history ready, willing, and able to take up His cause…a cause by which no man shall die, but that all shall live by His grace. Are you ready…are you willing…and are you able…to change life as we know it… and have always known it…are you willing to put your flesh on the line for that cause…or are you still desirous of the status quo?

The ones who have the least to lose are usually the ones who take up this cause, because they are the ones who know the truth of the matter the most, because they live it. What are you willing to lose, or what do you count as worthy to be lost?

Do you desire the status quo, knowing it will eventually lead to the destruction of your own posterity; or do you choose to preserve the status quo in sacrifice for them? Or, rather are you willing to give up today and maybe even tomorrow, for a brighter hope of the future? Are you the people of the ruler of this world, the present, or are you the people of the brighter hope for the kingdom of God which considers the children of the future? Will you be considered a blessing to that hope or a curse to that hope in the name of a cause for all eternity? You decide, We, the people.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

This is the promise we who have come before make to all those who come after us. It is how we profess that the elder shall serve the younger. We shall not make this promise in vain. For that is the cause we are called unto...and no other.

George Bush or any other politician shall not make the decision for me to go against this promise that stands at the gates of our shores…and yet as an American, I cannot give this promise without the promise and the purpose of fulfilling God’s cause.

What say you America? Are you liars and hypocrites…or are you fearless believers that God is able? Do not let the fears of others rule the faith in your heart. Our American politicians are not afraid because of something you are I knowingly have done, but they are afraid because of something they have deceived us into believing…a lie that is now being exposed. Their only purpose now is to make their fear, our fear.

Let your royal motive be for all men, women, and children; without dissent, coercion, force, or lack of liberty for the dignity of who they are. Freedom and what you choose to do with it is your choice…let everyone have their choice.

What did your freedom and liberty eventually teach you? Can you teach it? How long did it take before you realized you had choices? What did you choose after you gained this freedom and how did you determine your choices? Was it forced upon you…was it propagated to you…or did you fight for what you knew in your heart to be righteousness.

The answer to these questions determines whether you have gained true freedom…or whether you were sold a lie, because there is a type of freedom that eliminates accountability for those who pretend that they deserve it above all the rest. It substitutes for the freedom that allows our individual consciences to speak for themselves, and attempts to drown it out with an ideology that dictates your future thoughts, according to the thoughts and interpretations of another.

When God sets you free according to the forgiveness of sin found in the belief that Jesus Christ, as sacrifice for those sins, when you are set free from the condemnation of the world… there is a period of time that allows you contemplation for all you have just witnessed in accordance with the way.

This period of contemplation is the hope of God that you will see things His way when the truth is complete in you. It does not force itself upon you, coerce you, or in any way oppress you into deciding upon it; but rather waits for you to decide voluntarily and without distraction of opposition, determining in your own heart what the truth is and what is a lie.

It needs no defense or propagandized conspiracy…it does not have to campaign for itself…because truth is its own defense…it is what it is…I Am that I Am…you either accept it…or reject it, and despite your rejection or acceptation, it does not change a thing about the truth. It does not need you to exist…it exists of its own self. It does not need your support because truth is its own support. You don’t need to save it, because it saves you.

Then He (the LORD God) said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire, a delicate whispering voice. I Kings 19:11&12.

We shall not find God in any other form except on the path of truthfulness and the reality that we are just as much the sinner as our fathers before us. It is that truth that tugs gently at our heart, whispering softly what we need to understand.It takes surrender to that truth that will allow our hearts to become softened enough to allow Christ to enter in.

But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, “It is enough! Now LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!” I Kings 19:4.

God will hear that cry, and acknowledge it as he did with the captives in Egypt before they were set free. God was not in any of the plagues or curses that came upon Pharaoh, but was in the delicate and soft voice of compassion found in the heart of Moses.

The same for today. God is not found in the great and strong winds of change that are upon us. Nor is He in the political upheavals that thunder across the land like earthquakes. Nor is He in the endlessly blaming judgments of those who use shame to bring fires of guilt down upon the heads of all those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior and sacrifice for sin. Rather, God is found in the delicate whispering voice of compassionate loving acceptance for all we are according to what He has made us in this world, apart from the world itself, and He invites us to verbalize our emotions and concerns to Him so that He might help us to see the truth.

Truth is not found in any of those things that shout at you or make you afraid or in any way attempt to force you or compel you to choose it. All those things of complicated commotion are designed to give a perfect contrast to what the truth really is so that in finally realizing and accepting truth, in being set free, you will know exactly what it is that you have been set free from and Who it is that set you free. There will be no mistaking it from the lie. There will be nothing that compares or confuses or needs to be explained because, as a bolt of lightning out of the east, to the west, across your mind this truth will race and imprint itself upon your heart forever. From that point on, no lie can enter in. You are sealed in this truth as assuredly as you are sealed in Christ. It is now only for you to believe it and accept it for who and what it is, without ever having to defend it or doubt it. All others, not sealed in it will then become afraid. For the truth you are sealed in can do nothing except expose the lie in them.

Remember always brethren, when you speak the truth from the heart, “It is a far, far better thing that you do than you’ve ever done before, and a far, far better place that you go than you’ve ever gone before.” Charles Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities.”


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