Monday, October 10, 2005

We, the People of the Lord our God

When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and the purity of its heart: Ralph Waldo Emerson
From the head, to the very foot of this nation, violence and corruption abound…there is none righteous…no, not one.

Then how in God’s name can a people like Americans begin to think it can save the world with its democracy? How can this nation even begin to think that it has become the moral voice of the world? Where in our entire self-righteous hypocrasy do we feel that we, of all nations, have the right to go into another sovereign nation and attempt to change it into our image? Not through voluntary compliance, but by force do we do this, with the threat of violence and destruction if our will is not met!

The truth of the matter is, that most American's do not feel we should be doing these things. And yet, we go on about our daily lives as though there is little we can do to stop it, surrounded by our own comforts becuse we are unwilling to face the fact and speak out against it, knowing that the violence and corruption wrought in our name is what supplies us with our comforts.

Everything that is preached about the freedom of democracy is forced upon a people at the end of a spear and the threat of death, whether by financial ruin, or the destruction of wars. This is not democracy, or at least not the democracy the founding fathers of this nation fought for. It is George Bush’s version of Democracy just as much as it’s Anti-Christ’s version of Christianity. It placates and causes a false sense of security for the greed of a few. It is a system designed for conquering under the disguise of giving freedom. It is based on false promises that require its participants to put aside any resistance or opposition to it, taking away any voice of dissent. It preaches independence while it makes its participants dependant.

Yet even the early church dissented and opposed their present system. They refused to become dependant upon it, to rely upon it, to embrace it because it was a device of man; or they would not have had to deal with persecution from both their fellow countrymen, and the ruling nation of the day. Is the threat of thatpersecution what keeps our voice of dissent from being heard?

It is in this dissent that truth is found, as well as the persecution that is a product of dissenting. If silence were the way that Christ taught, if suppression of the truth were His way, then He never would have had to die upon the cross for the sins of the world, because no one would ever be aware there were any.

Rather though, He taught us to preach the word of truth, in season and out of season; when oppression was evident and when there was none; when darkness abounded in order to shed light, and when their was the light of truth in order to keep it burning bright. We have never been taught as Christians by Christ to suppress the truth. Rather, we were taught to put the flesh on the line for the sake of it.

However, we were taught these things by the humbugary that professes to be the leadership of the church. We have been taught to simply mind what the world is doing...and even by some to embrace it. We have been taughtthat the rulership of the world is to be obeyed, even when that rulership goes against the express commnds of our God.

This is not the way that the early church followed. They allowed themselves to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness, which was far greater than an outward show of morality...the moral majority wing of religion bearing witness to both the lie, and the truth.

How can we speak the truth though, unless we are willing to face it, wiling to believe it. Repent and believe is what is necessary to be saved.

We read our Bibles, we listen to the sermons in church, we attend studies, we are always learning… but we never come to knowledge of the truth so that we can understand how we can be saved from this present world order. It will require too much self-sacrifice from us so we continue to go on living in the lie...and then think that we are somehow going to heaven in the rapture. What living sacrifices have we been though?

The present media diludes us. We delude ourselves into thinking that there is nothing we can do to change the present course that we are on.; because that is what it leads us to believe…that it is in the hands of men more capable than ourselves; that it is in the hands of something bigger than we are. We rely on other sources to give us the information we need to make our choices, and yet we are unwilling to face what we know in our hearts to be the truth,; what the Bible shows us to be true…that the principles of self-sacrificing love that God promised to write upon our heart and that oppose the self serving ways we are taught by secular society we ignore because we are still a rebellious and stiff-necked people.

Despite this, we rely upon men to interpret events according to their own lusts, and as long as it sounds good and requires little from us; as long as it doesn’t cause too much distress and we can be deluded into thinking that all is well, all is safe, and secure…then we will go along with whatever we are told even though we may not feel in our hearts that these things are as we are told…despite any mounting evidence that says it is a lie. We may even fear anything that challenges our way of life because it may force us to make difficult choices that cause us to embrace the changes necessary to oppose it. And yet, these things are only temporary fixes that avoid or delay the inevitable. We have traded the lie for the truth and we know it. This is not the saving faith once delivered unto the saints and Satan has been hard at work for two thousand years now removing that faith from among us.

However, the laws that were written on our hearts allow us no peace because we are living the lie, afraid to face what’s in our heart, afraid to face the truth. And fear allows for no peace.
In fearing to face the truth, we fear facing God.

Yet Paul said, “I keep my sins ever before me.”

In keeping these before him, he also kept the truth that he is a sinner before him and also his complete reliance upon God 's will, not his own, to guide and save him. But did paul avoid death by crucifiction? was put to death for the same truth that Christ taught...that being that the woldly system of government was a lie.

It kept him humble…it kept him from rising up before God. And yet, I hear from so many Christians the deluded notion that they are going to enter the Kingdom of God when they die while living in self-righteousness and unrighteousness.

Yet, if a righteous man can hardly enter in, how much more so a sinner? We all fall short of the righteousness of God? Any righteouness we do have comes only through our belief in what He is saying.

So what is this truth that opposes any usurper to God’s righteousness of mercy and grace; the truth that opposes any entity that sets themselves up as ruler of this world; the truth that restrains and hinders until it be taken out of the way…that sets themselves up as enforcers of mans laws and attempts to lord over men the judgments that God has reserved for himself?

It is simply that all have sinned, and all fall short of the righteousness of God; that there are none righteous…no, not one. And all are in danger of hell’s fire. It puts all men on an equal footing with none more deserving of death than anyone else. All men are created equal with none deserving that any man should lord over any other man. But is this what our present administration displays? I think not!

Despite what men may like to believe in self-righteousness, no one has earned this right. No ruler of this world is worthy to tell anyone that they are less than the adopted sons of God, less than the brothers of Christ, and not in the image that God created them to be. For God made some to be honored, and some to be dishonored. Who am I, (or anyone for that matter) to say, “Why have You made me this way?”

And even those who seek after your shame, saying, “Ahah, ahah! Let them be confounded because of their shame. These are the hypocrites who in their self-righteous abilities only desire to prove themselves more self-righteous. They are focused on your sins in order that they not have to look upon their own. Not for the purpose of uplift...but so they can uplift themselves even higher.

They create a lie in your heart, so that they don’t have to face the truth in their own. But that does not in any way infer that theirs do not exist. So whether their motive be noble or not, that it change you from the course of your own sins, then love this enemy…but if it is only to make them feel better about themselves, more superior than others, then give a vision for their vision, and a teaching for their teaching, (an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth).

Fortunately for them, only God can determine the motive of their heart, and that is why as Christians, we are to love all, enemy and brother alike. There is an eternity of difference in giving a loving rebuke to a brother, a neighbor, or a friend, and in condemning through judgmental accusation those whom one attempts to lord the law over in order to feel more self- righteous about themselves. One gives love, the other seeks vengeance for itself in order to appease itself. It is the royal motive that we must all determine.

One kind is the cause of wars, violence and corruption, the other goes towards the saving of a soul.
There is no authority given under heaven unless it is given by God. Christ testified of this authority to Pontius Pilate shortly before He was condemned to the cross. And just as the Lord, God Almighty gives… the LORD God takes away. If the authority that God allows men for the purpose of keeping order is not used in a righteous manner, if it is used for the gain of only a few, or to appease the lusts of men, if it is used for oppression and vengeance, violence and corruption, the LORD God will see to it that that authority to whom He gave that nation, is taken back from its once exalted place. He has routinely taken those who were once humbled, and exalted them, until they began to exalt themselves and then He humbled them again.

Satan is the ruler of the kindoms of the world...and he gives authority over them to whom he pleases...those who are rulers over worldly things are all under the authority of the devil.

But we are not of this world if we hate what it is and the things, (governments) of it...and therefore we are under the authority of heaven and of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But God knows the heart of man. He knows who loves the world and who hates what it is...he also knows who love what it is.

Every empire-nation, so far, under the sun, has reached this self- righteous point in their authority, a point where they refuse to be humbled, and must be humbled. History dictates this. It is the chastisement of sons of which no son received can be considered legitimate without. The removal of this authority usually comes with great pains… but it does come…and a Son is born anew…to those who are exercised by it.

”I shall come again.” …and again…and again…as a perpetual promise to all God’s people.” … God shall defeat Amalek from generation to generation…” Birth pangs of labor down through history have shown this promise, and the more willing we are to embrace God’s law of the harvest so this truth shall prosper, and the more we are strengthened by this pain. Because each time this pain is endured, the gold is refined one more time, until there is no more dross to skim from the surface and the gold is pure, according to God’s vision of purity.

we who love the Lord, love His truth, and what His kingdom is all about are that gold.

Take from me all LORD, God…this life…I gladly give it as coming from You, and as one more step in the refining of Your elect…whom I desire to prosper with You as Your humble servant… I count the loss of all things as dung for the sake of this truth, in order that all those whom You have given me enter in to Your Kingdom before me and give to You the glory that is rightfully Yours and that You deserve, because You are the only One worthy to receive it. I am but Your servant, doing what a servant must do to exalt his King in telling the truth about his King for the glory and honor of Him. There is no King but the Lord our God!

The words of Moses should ring true in the hearts of all who are members in Christ, all who have built an alter to the LORD in their hearts… who was transfigured on the mount into the law and the prophets…Moses and Elisha…should call this alter by name... The-LORD-Is-My-Banner; for he, (Moses) said, “because the LORD has sworn: the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

This is not nationalism in the disguiser, usurper and liar of patriotism for the American flag and the false doctrine of freedom it preaches… which can be seen and touched and appeals to all our senses, but rather to an unseen banner that is of a spiritual faith… truth that knows no lie and is able through its own power to defeat all lies, no matter how few there are who know matter what becomes of their flesh.

So know, what is it that we say we must do...? What is it that we say we can do…? Do we keep silent about our own convictions…afraid to speak from our hearts that tell us that what is said and donein the world is a lie? Or do we take courage, though we may be few or afraid…and not be dismayed because we are concerned for the future of our children? Or do we continue eating and drinking, and giving in marriage in the midst of violence and corruption as though it does not exist? Do we begin to plant the seeds of knowledge, the issues of life as freemen, set at liberty by the God who loves us in grace and mercy, or do we follow the lords of this world who look for the shame in others so as not to see the shame in themselves. Do we allow the rule of law that is meant to oppress, to insulate the few from taking the responsibility for the many? Or do we say that we are freemen, set at liberty and fear of shame from all those who feel they have no shame?

You decide… “We the people.” …only your faith in God…The Lord God…determines your destiny. Not any faith…but the faith that was delivered to the saints from the beginning, the faith of self- sacrificing, truth, bearing love.

What banner will you pitch your camp under? The banner of the world…or the banner of heaven…? What are you prepared to do, and what are you prepared to give up…We, the people…?


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