Monday, February 20, 2006

A Race of Giants...or a Spritual flaw?

The Heart of the Matter
by a true Believer

Good is a God of simplicity. It’s why He looked upon the lowliest of man with the greatest of sympathy. These lowly ones were in the most honest and simplest form of His creation of men, with a spiritual additude that He desired greater than any other. It is those who are fallen sons of God who complicate what God is in their desire to become like God according to what they want God to be.

But God is pure simplicity.

Look the eyes of a child who loves unconditionally and you will see what I mean. Listen to the purety of their innocent statements. Our own imaginations and complicated thoughts pertaining to God according to all that the world holds out as to what it wants God to be has destroyed this simplicity, this innocence, straining at gnats while swallowing a camel if you will. But all is vanity, and vanity of vanities.

To understand the simplicity of God, consider this, that the entire gospel and heart of God is contained in the first two chapters of Genesis. "What," you say? "How can that be?"

Yes, God’s perfect creation, man’s fall from grace, and God’s provision for him, are all contained in these two chapters. It is the whole heart of the matter. The rest of the book, until Jesus Christ is filled with the results of man’s rejection of God’s provision, as well as warnings as to what this rejection will ultimately lead to. It is filled with types, and anti-types, in all figurative, symbolic and plain understanding in order that anyone can discover its hidden truths all down through the ages. Nothing was left out that really matters but that it is all contained in simplicity for anyone to see, if it’s their desire to see. The same gospel of Salvation’s truth is also contained in the first chapter of Isaiah. It’s most basic form. The rest is a description of what results from the rejection of it. See this for yourself.

I have found through many experiences that it’s those who would like others to see them as something other than lowly and humble man, which they will do in an attempt to lead men off into directions that simplicity should prevent them from following. These will fit whatever complicated facts that they can find to their doctrines of men in order to pursue this goal. They will make things up, piece things together, ignore anything that disputes with them, and hang onto their belief even at the destruction of theirs, or anyone’s soul who continues to follow them.

In the days of Christ, Jesus often challenged the traditional interpretations and the minute rules that had been issued to guide the people in every area of their behavior. These rules were given for the purpose of controlling and manipulating the consciences of the people through fear so that some could be seen as godly above all others, while these others strained against the burdens imposed upon them. But, as Jesus pointed out, they were false teachings and missed the intent for which God provided their original meaning. It was perversion of the truth for the sake of recognition, respect and the desire to lord over others. It was to be like God. It was selfish in nature and never cared about those whom the burdens were placed upon. It was often the well to do, the aristocrats and the authorities who practiced outwardly what they led others believe was necessary in order to be godly according to their standards of godliness. At the same time they allowed others to fall under the yoke of oppression as these could neither afford the ritual purities, nor get out from under the bondage of oppression that caused them so much shame.

High moral, standards, outwardly displayed are for the rich and well to do, because these are not faced with the burdens of providing for the simple, basic, day to day necessities of life that consume the attentions of the poor. Their day is not filled with the misery of poverty. Their surroundings are designed to allow them to falsely think of themselves as better than those who struggle day to day. Their inheritance gives them the false impression that they are somehow, by birthright and privilege, more worthy than others to Lord over mankind. And by these things, they can manipulate others according to conscience, emotion and necessity. Theirs is too usurp the throne of God as fallen sons of God thrown down to the level plain of humanity.

Today we are in a different time as when these things were written, but the same principles hold true. These principles are what God gave us to guide us through the complications of the strong deceit from these fallen angels, and anyone who does not embrace the simplicity of His meanings, who are not lovers of these truths, can easily be led astray through the delusion of their own imaginations, often guided by the delusion of someone else’s imagination. They can easily lose heart, becoming discouraged, or even afraid. This brings them to ruin and provides a ready field for Satan, the devil.

The word of God was given to man for him to love, but also so that he could not be so easily led astray. It is the final authority to which we should all turn to find the answers we seek, if it is truly answers that we want. All too often though, people believe what they want to instead of what they should. God gives His way to success, and the world gives its way. It's the choice each must make. Freewill is always preserved.

All too often people reject the written word of God, claiming it is too hard to follow or understand. But that is because they have become so accustomed to everything being so complicated that they miss the simplicity of what is meant. All too often we put our intellect ahead of principles and confuse even the simplest of them.

And why not? This is what we've been taught from early childhood by the very individuals who say they love us. Their priorities become ours. You have to do have to do that...if you want to be accepted...or a must strive in this way. The whole world screams at you until you can hear no more.

Lately I have watched as people are blown about by every wind of doctrine. Someone fixates their attention on a particular subject, and through imaginations these things become real, and fact to the ones who are deceived by them. Whether of fear or no longer caring, all too often they forget the heart of God’s thought and what really matters to Him, which is to give us a simple understanding in what He desires, as well as show us what mistakes we can make in discovering His own heart. His soul purpose is to bless us according to Himself.

Instead many will say, “But what about me? How will it make me godlier? How will it get me that choice place in heaven? If it can't do this according to what the world offers, then I want nothing more from it."

Thought becomes about self and not about this wonderful God who created us. We’ll find this in the Word which from its beginnings is much more than simply a history. But rather, it explains the conditions we live in to this day. “I Am the same today, as I was yesterday and will be tomorrow. I change not. There is nothing new under the sun.”...and that includes the condition of man. We are a stubborn race.

This is the bases for understanding.
Christ also said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.”

If you were to read the Bible today, and heard of a people and a place called Israel, being carnal minded you would think of a people other than yourself, and a physical land as well as it's history. But what God is attempting to say is that He desires a people who will go to the heartland of their soul in a place called forever.

Those people are true Israel...and the land is the center of your own heart...the heartland within and the throne of God's kingdom within. It's a way of life that comes through individual truth about ones own self in relation to the perfection of Godliness as found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The earth is the centralness of youself...and the heavens are your thoughts and the place where God can communicate with you through your meditations on Him and what He teaches. The world is anything outside of that realm. Truth is what truth must be within.

It’s not only that the external realities of nature are to witness and testify to internal truths, but that internal truths are to reveal the kingdom of God, in order that they become external realities in man. This most often requires a brutal honesty about our own selves. And this is to bring us into the same harmony with Him that all of nature enjoys.

What God’s word teaches is meant to bring us to the discovery of the internal truths that make up His kingdom within, for the purpose of Him revealing Himself without us by what is within us if we would only learn to discover it. That may sound more complicated than it really is.

But consider this…God is love…God is spirit and truth…not as man would have you believe, but as God’s personhood really is according to Himself. I Am that I Am. Truth, love, spirit, God Himself is determined by what He has determined He should be. And that this kingdom which Christ preached has always been at hand shows us that we only need to reach way down deep inside of ourselves to discover it. To peel away the layers of the worldly view, which is becoming more difficult as time goes by.

Here is one example:

Today there is much speculation and conjecture on a subject that pertains to “The Nephilim." It has become a subject that has caught the imagination and attention of many, and also a wind of doctrine that has drawn men and women away from the heart of the matter. It has been decided by some that it is an external truth; the Nephilim being a fallen race of angels who physically towered over man in physical form. They were 40 - 60 foot giants.

I would like to say that God’s word never described their height in any physical measure that we know. Anyone who attempts to lead men in this belief is a false teacher who perverts the pure thought which God intended for us to understand. And when it was for us to understand His word in terms of physical form, he was precise in giving to us the exact measurements and description thereof...i.e., the ark of Noah, the mesurements of the Kingdom as given to Ezekial, the height of Goliath, the physical description of the temple, etc.

No where in His word does He do this about the Nephilim other than to say they were ‘giants.’ And this is where the heart of the matter can be lost to imagination.

Language is something that can easily distort what the true meaning behind a simple principle was meant to show. God confounded our language at the destruction of the tower of Babel. But He did not confound His own language. His language was always a pure thought intended to demonstrate a pure truth for us to learn. So to understand this pure thought it is a mistake to only look at one word which attempts a translation of that thought according to our own understanding.

“Lean not unto your own understanding.”

All too easily a principle can become distorted by the focus of and usage of the wrong word, or a single word only.

It is now and has always been God’s desire for man to worship Him. But not as we desire that worship to be, or according to our own way. While He is a forgiving ,gracious, and merciful God, and can maybe even accept for a time our own ways of worship towards Him in order to prove their deficiency, I am certain that He would like us to love Him as He desires to be loved for the soul purpose of revealing Himself through that pure love. This was shown to us during Christ’s time when the system of religion in place was brought to its end. And all of His words put together are His thoughts as to how this should be done for His sake and our benefit according to the way He desires it to be. He showed us what is not, in order that we might see what is. The Old Testament is the “what is not” part mixed with "what is"…and the New Testament is the “what is” part revealed and very simply put.

So to lay out the thought God intended us to know from His word, and the short account of the ‘Nephilim,’ I will attempt to lay out the first foundation of this simple message. Sorry if it took me so long to get around to it. After all, this is about the Nephilim, a race of giants, is it not?

God desires pure worship. Very simple and basic. It is not His desire to complicate our lives as we find in the chaos or confusion of a faithless life; Babylon if you will. This same worship can encompass every fiber of our being and every aspect of our lives if we would find the simplicity that it is. God's is not to lay heavy burdens, but the world’s is. God's way is pure simplicity. The worlds way is chaos and confussion...or civilization ruled by greedy men if you will.

Civilization defined: A human society that has a complex cultural, political, and legal organization; an advanced state in social development.

How very different man's creation is as opposed to the simplicity of what God intended for us. The complexity of human civilization and the advanced state that we presume it to be has done far more to pervert the simplicity of merely being fruitful and multiplying than it has in promoting it. It has gone further to destroy mankind than it has gone towards uplifting him. We have traded God's creation for our own...eating daily from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

True worship is simply the desire and way of those who worship to imitate that which is worshipped and not how they desire it to be according to what the world has shown them. It is not in forms, or rites, or rituals, it is not in a programmed response from years of repitition. Instead it comes out of us as spontaneous and natural obediance to the commandments of God apart from the rigidness the world attempts to impose for the sake of control. It is not in the minute details and letter of the law, but is of the heart and mind according to what is shown to us by God to be godd and righteous, and then demonstrated by us out of love. It is voluntary in nature as only true love domonstrated can be. It is not coerced, or threatened upon. It is not bribed or gained through the use of fear.

Evidence this in the two, simple commandments God gave to Adam to simply ask that Adam demonstrate his loyalty, love and worship in return to the God who created him. There was nothing complicated.

“Don’t eat that.” And then God told Adam to "be fruitful and multiply' in that same respect. That…is the simplicity of God’s love. He asks only that we hear Him...and obey what He commands us to do...or not to do...out of demonstrated, spontanious, voluntary love in acknowledgement to Him and according to His design.

That is true worship at its best.

Case in point:

When I was young, I thought that the best way I could show my love to my family was to work all the time in order to provide them with what they wanted and needed. This was my idea of love as the world would have me believe. It fit the worldly view for the benefit of the worldly ruler.

They (my family) attempted many times to grab some of my valuable time, but my mind was set on what I thought I should do according to this worldly view. Now much time has slipped quickly by, I am old, and I began to see that I had little or no relationship with those who I said I love. They had grown up and I had missed out on much of the joy that goes along with being a part of this. I provided them with things and necessities, but there was a matter of the heart that was missing. My idea of love rejected their idea of how they desired that love to be shown. It did not take into consideration the personhood of these objects of my love. We had two different languages. Mine was external, and theirs was internal. Mine was a worldly, false religion of love, theirs was the simplicity of relationship. Theirs was God’s desire and mine was man’s attempt.

Time together and relationship is what they craved. There’s was a desire to give as much as it was to receive. I almost missed this valuable lesson. They desired to be taught the issues of life in order to know so they could apply them to their own, but I was always too busy for this, never remembering that it was this same exact thing I craved from my own father. And it’s this that we need to see as the purpose behind God’s written word, His heart, which is still working to this day to bring this principle back to our attention.

When Eve disobeyed God, eating from the tree which she was forbidden to eat, God related in His word the first example of false religion. He said, “No, this is not what I meant by love.” It was a selfish religion that was love of our own thoughts towards how to worship, how to love in return if you will. It was pleasing to the eye, good for food, and able to make one wise. It only benefited the desire of the one and seperated itself from the consciousness of the other.

But, it was all external and was meant only to benefit the one practicing it. It was selfish love that did not consider the object or person of anyone else’s love. It was false love, false worship, and false religion if you will. It was based on an individual desire that was not that of the One who desired to be loved. How often do we find this principle at work in rejecting those whom society deems unfit, relegating them to the fringes? It determines by itself what is good and evil towards that love, manipulated by the surrounding circumstances and is intended to replace God’s desire towards us with the desire for oneself.

"What in God’s name does this have to do with the ‘Nephilim’," you are now probably wondering?

And the answer is everything, for they are the beginning example example of what false religion was based on and what it produced, as was the account of Cain and Able, as were as all accounts up to Noah…and in between the calling out of Abraham.

But remember, as for the ‘Nephilim’, it is not simply a word such as “giants” that should be considered, but rather the pure thought intended by the account the word was written in.

In other words, it is not about the ‘Nephilim’, or about ‘giants’, but is about the thought that God was attempting to help us to understand. These race of people were only a small part of that thought in order to assist us in the understanding.

To see what this pure thought is intended to show, the pure Hebrew language must apply. This is the original language God chose in order to relate His account. Why, I'm not sure, but perhaps it was because of their ability to express what they really meant in their language.

The word “giants” is little more than an English translation that conjures up an image in our imagination that has been nurtured by the world in opposition to God’s pure thought. To focus on that conjured up word by itself attempts to rob us of the focus from what is intended. But no account given by God describes these “giants,”...their physical stature... in anyway. Wonder about this.

That all mankind descended from Adam, who was created by God and was in the image of God until his fall from grace tells us also that the daughters of man were also his descendants, and also descendants of Eve, created in the fallen image of Eve as opposed to the image God originally created. Both Adam and Eve were still children of God, but their fallen nature could only produce offspring in the image man had created for himself when he took it upon himself to eat of the fruit that would give him the ability to make his own choices towards good and evil. These daughters of man, like Eve, were in the image of false worshippers towards God. They were pagan in their practices. They were, figuratively speaking, the false religions of mankind adopted by the daugters of mankind, and whom the fallen sons of God saw as beautiful and whom they chose over God, just as Adam chose Eve over God.

Learn the differnces by carefully studying the two accounts of man's creation given in the book of Genesis. God created mankind and then He created man in His image. It was this mankind whom the sons of God (originally created in God's image) found the daughters of to be so beautiful. Rather than being fruitful with tham and multiplying them according to God's ways, their fallen nature produced an offspring of tyrrants who used their ability to choose good from evil to manipulate these according to what they chose...which was evil according to God.

The offspring of these fallen Sons of God produced offspring with these daughters of man, and also with these false religions, created for themselves a race of ‘giants’. But that is the English translation of a Hebrew word with a far different meaning than what our imaginations conjure up.

This word “giants” is used to replace the Hebrew word ‘nephil’ or ‘nephyl’ which is were the word ‘nephilim’ originated from…’nephilim’ also being the English variation of 'nephil.' Early versions of the scriptures, even in English, did not use the word “giants” but referred to them as “nephilim”. It’s only our more modern Bible versions that use this word “giants.” 'Nephilim' however was from the original language it was written in, which was Hebrew.

But what is the Hebrew translation for this word ‘nephyl?’

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines ‘nephyl’ pronounced nef-eel’ properly as, a feller (one who has fallen, as from grace), i.e. a bully or tyrant; -- hence what was referred to in those days as having the spiritual stature of the figurative word “giant”. This is the Hebrew word used in Genesis 6: 4 in our modern translation.

This does not refer to a physical description, but a spiritual flaw. It’s this spiritual flaw that developed when the fallen sons of God took for themselves the wives of man and the false pagan religious practices they had. If their religious practices were what God desired, they would not be daughters of man, but daughters of God. So now you have fallen sons of God whose desire it was to be like God, intermarrying with the daughters of men who practice pagan religions. What a wild mix that must be!!! These produced the bullies and tyrants of the day…or, if you will, figuratively, ‘giants.’

A ‘bully’, as defined in Collins concise English Dictionary, is a person who hurts, persecutes, or intimidates weaker people in order to make him do something. This is done by demonstrating an outword moral superiority. A ‘tyrant’ is defined in the same dictionary as a person who governs oppressively, unjustly, arbitrarily (according to his own whims and not God's ways); a despot. We can certainly see these giants in the world today. And through this character flaw corruption and violence abound, not only at a high, government level, but even schoolyard bullies who terrorize gentle souls. From the head to the foot. This is what abounded in the days of Noah. The whole world became filled with violence and corruption.

There are other references to “giants’ in God’s word.

Numbers 13: 33 uses a different Hebrew word for the English word ‘giants’.

Here the word used is ‘gibbowr’ or gibb’or.’

This word has a similar meaning as ‘nephyr.’ In that instead of “giants” as we understand the word to be according to the imaginary Paul Bunyan image we were fed as children, the meaning is: powerful men, warriors, tyrants: i.e., men who are champions, chiefs (government leaders) that excel in greatness, mighty men, strong men, valiant men. Or so many are led to believe according to their high outward show of morality. And again, we see these men today. The heroes and supermen we we're led to believe we should admire as children. Only now they represent governments, powers and principalities sat upon by men who deceive themselves and others into believing that’s what they are. But the figurative word used to describe these men is “giants.”

I want to impress upon you one more time that nowhere does the word of God describe these men as having a physical stature such as those we in our imaginations might conjure up according to what the world would have us believe. 40 to 60 feet tall, Jack in the Beanstalk, Paul Bunion, or even Goliath, who was six cubits and a span…or roughly 9 feet tall…certainly a tall man, but not a race of men, or a man that was anything that could be considered a giant.

More than likely this Goliath was an anomaly of his day. He was the champion of the Phillistines. Not only that, but a height of nine feet would have made him cumbersomely slow and clumsy as with anyone today who attains to that height. Throw some scary armor on him…hand him a sword…and his name fits him well. He most certainly must have been an intimidating sight. However, as David proved, size doesn't matter to God, and this Goliath had the same weaknesses as any man in that he could die, be killed, perish. It only took one small stone to find the weakest point that could do the most damage.

Certainly 65 or even 40 foot men are a stretch of the imagination though. There is no physical evidence that someone like this ever existed despite what others would have you believe. There are no bones secreted away. For what purpose, given the nature of man, who would display as a sideshow something as freaky as this? They were not even demons as the world would have you conjure up this thought, but fallen sons of God, men, who took to themselves the false religious practices of the daughters of men, made them their own, and used them to elevate themselves as mighty men. In this, they allowed the wickedness of evil forces to enter their hearts.

All these things are an attempt to take our focus off of God and put them on man…even if it’s some kind of scary, imaginary, created thing. And as something repeated often enough, these things can be given their life according to our own thought when what has become ingrained through repetition…even if it’s false, becomes a reality of our nature. And in this find the true intent of the devil.

Picture this. A fallen son of God, with all the intellect, freewill and reasoning powers God allowed him to have, came into the false pagan religions practiced by the daughters of mankind by taking to themselves their daughters. They saw the ability to exploit the superstitions of these people because, as fallen sons, they desired what Satan hepled them to learn...which was that they could be worshipped as gods... and by this practice were able to gain power, renown, and greatness…the giants in those days of the world. Like Christopher Columbus and his party from Europe, or the Spanish conquistadors trying to portray themselves as gods to the Native Americans if you will. They used their special gifts of sophistication, intellect and reasoning for their own selfish purposes. They desired to be worshipped as gods and it was this reason why they were fallen from grace, or more accurately, thrown out of the garden and thrown down in the rebellion. Yet they refused, as Satan did, to bow down to mankind.

I also want you to consider this; that from the book of Genesis on is not just a history, but is also the beginning of what will be…it is a forecast of the future written in the past…as in “I change not.” To know what lies ahead, just look back upon what was. In eternity, time does not exist, as everything exists at the same time. This is the realm that God resides in and from where He inspired His word.

This is the heart of the matter about what God is trying to explain in His very simple word about “giants,” summed up in the last paragraph that starts with “picture this.”

Today, emperors and world leaders all claim support from the God most of humanity fears. They invoke their god in all their destruction, claiming him to be the same God of the humble. But that is only to give them legitimacy and expose our weakness as though God is a respecter of persons. Yet it is all of humanity that God supports…not just these privileged few. I am a foolish man…but God will use me to confound the wise and the prudent. So let me be a foolish man.

And why?

Because they want to play upon the superstitions that these people were led to believe by their very own religious leaders as to what might happen if they do not follow as obedient sheep the governments who support these very same religious leaders. It is the very same distorted truth, or lies if you will, that the ruling class in the days of Jesus were feeding to the people of Israel and the Judaic religion. They hardly ever teach that these same people are to follow God’s laws over man’s laws, or that Jesus Christ is Lord and not some tyrannical, despotic, bully, because they haven’t the courage to do so and yet men follow them straight to their destruction like sheep being led to the slaughter.

It is much easier for me to visualize in my mind what I am attempting to explain, so I hope I did not complicate the simplicity of God’s word too much. But if you simply follow within your own heart what God’s own people did, accoding to His standard way of living you have nothing to fear even in death.

And what did they follow?

God’s laws allowed them to abide in this world as the aliens they knew they were…but when man began to pass laws that were in opposition to God’s…they took a stand against them even at the expense of their own lives in defense of the very same people they were aliens among. The book of Danial clearly explains this by Danials refusal to follow the decree passed by Nebuchadnezzar which ended prayer and required everyone to bow down to the image he created.

These are the true sons and daughters of God today, and they defend mankind with the truth they were given, in both word and in practice, and not the way others decide for themselves.

“Shrubism,” is what is practiced by the giants of our time and is their attempt to manipulate us through a campaign of disinformation…even at the expense of using our own religion and whatever superstitious practices that religion may hold…because they themselves reject and even despise the simplicity of our true nature... a nature they are afraid to take upon themselves. They will reject anything that does not agree with the facts they want to present in order to pursue their agenda of forcing man to worship their way, even if those facts go against what they say they believe or what outward morality they may appear to project. Don’t be taken in by it. And don’t be deceived into thinking that because you’re not taken in by it, that there aren’t multitudes that are. It’s these who will one day cry out for salvation, and we need to be there for them when they do.

Ours, despite others willingness to see it, is a religion of truth. We are not the gullible daughters of men anymore and are not so easily deceived by their hocus-pocus even though they have not changed and still attempt to deceive us. But the ultimate deceit is when God's truth is ignored and men and women begin to look upon these men once as gods, believing they are where salvation will be found, by these giants, by these mighty men of old, these valiant warriors, when in truth they are little more than bullies who need to impress others to ignore the fact that they have been rejected by God and His kingdom…thrown down if you will…fallen from grace having no other recourse than to draw as many with them into hell as they can, while they still exist.

Many a playground bully will gather the stronger boys of weak character into loyalty with him in order that this one bully can stand behind his taskmasters to do his dirty work for him. And this is usually because he’s too afraid to act alone, or not be the manipulator, the deceiver. It’s this character we now find pervades much of this nation’s government, as with all worldly government administrations. But they are really just cowards who attempt to appear strong. Strip away all that they need to hold on to what they think they own…and then you will see the real face of fear.

I will be happy to discuss this at length with anyone once they absorb what I’ve related.

And I hope you won’t think I am attempting anything other than to guide you to what God’s pure word says, and not to me. Fear is a dangerous force, and is the favorite tool of the devil. But God does not give us a spirit that we should fear, only a spirit that should desire to know Him through the truth of His love. These giants today do not act as my God Jehovah and therefore are not worthy to follow.

Jesus Christ gave us two very simple and basic commandments: to Love God and to love each other, and then a commission to be fruitful and multiply…to spread this love. It is in effect the same commandments given to Adam before his fall. Whether we obey this these commandments or heed the words of Satan will determine our destiny and our eternity. And only in obeying them will we subdue the earth and have dominion over God's creation. It begins with each of one of us if we would only stop allowing the world to complicate it for us. This is Jehovah God's pure thought and our pure religion as He desires it to be. We need not be concerned with the faces of evil…but only the faces of love. God will deal with what is evil if we will only deal with what is love.

Watch out for those who attempt to present to you what is false…and what I have said here you can research yourself through the only authoritative word I know on the matter of truth. In practice I have not even gained this perfectly myself, but when I become confused or afraid, I find it good to return to the heart of the matter…but also to hear the whole matter.

Follow the example of the godly line that went about doing what they had to, who made the necessary preparations for what was to come, but as this was testimony enough, were also ridiculed, persecuted and even killed for it. Don’t expect any less. Put aside all pride, fear and thought for self…and hold onto only the hope that awaits you. Do not be deceived by any means.

Your friend,
The hughman1


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