Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Scarlet Thread

The Number of his Name-
Six hundred, threescore and six
In Opposision to The Scarlet Thread

What is the hidden agenda that guides the thoughts of the self designated privileged few...those whom it has somehow been determined, whether by deceit or by design, that they are the ones who are more worthy, by the virtue of their self-righteousness, to lead a people, and rule over the world?

What motivates them except that there are worldly things they want to protect and gain for themselves? Do they do this in sacrifice of their own lives?


These are the ones who worship themselves and demand that the rest of the world do the same in an effort to obtain their favor...whether by the same deceit or design that they used to gain their power to begin with...because a lie always begets another lie.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8

He has been here.

But test this if you will. Speak out against this system in anyway and do so armed with the truth and see what becomes of you.

The face of Pharoah has suddenly changed because he fears loosing his power...he's worked hard to get what he has...he will not give it up easily...even forgetting the favor his forefathers showed to God's people because of Joseph...he who has an ear, let him hear.

These few ask the rest of the humanity to sacrifice for them everything we hold dear, including the lives of our sons, our daughters, our husbands, wives, fathers and mothers, as well as the liberty of being sovereign as a nation under God.

They ask this sacrifice for themselves and their creation in substitute for God Almighty and His creation. They do so in an effort to control it rule over the people, the spoils and abundance and wealth of the world... as their price for this selfish guidance. They grab for themselves what they can and heap it up in abundance far greater than they will ever consume themselves. They fill their storehouses with everything the people might need in order to control who gets it...this is the power they crave.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

Yet,this is little more than extortion on a global scale, as if they were worthy by the very virtue of the sacrifices that others have to make so that they can satisfy their if they were God Almighty Himself.

Not the living sacrifices only do they desire...but dead souls also. It is the dead souls they desire the most; those who will obey them and do their bidding at every turn without question of conscience as to whether it is right or wrong... even if it is for only a short time... because they know their time is more than the life of a man.

But by whose nature do they ask this?

"But go and learn what this means, "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice." For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

While 70 % of the worlds population survives on as little as a cup of rice each day, and some even less; and while 1% of the worlds population controls the wealth and abundance of this planet…heaping to themselves whatsoever they desire...who then do the 1% serve if not they serving themselves? And whose way of life are we asked to defend, what national interest do we submit ourselves to? The national interest of truth spoken and the way of self-sacrificing love...or the national interest of worldliness gained through the way of lies and deceit, violence and corruption.

Of the remaining 29%...those who enjoy some of the benefits offered by this 1%...who do they serve…the one who are few…or the many? Are they soldiers of oppression to protect the wickedness of a few, or soldiers of truth for the salvation of the many? What sword they weild determines their motive.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

It is we who stand in the worldly gap between the one and the many, as Chritians for the way of The Almighty's cause? Our lives in opposition to the 1% and for the uplift of the many...providing this is what we practice.

Not by force do we need to do this, but through the word of truth in our heart and in our mouth. Whether we defend and uplift the many by the truth, the 70% who are looked down upon as last and of little value to the few...or visa versa... is what determines whose mark we shall receive...whether of our God Almighty...or whether of the beast of all evil...Satan himself.

If you oppose the many in defense of the few for the sake of your own survival and comfort, you have received the mark of the beast. If you have kept silent you suppot it nonetheless.

But if you speak out in opposition to the powers and principalities of the privaledged few, in defense of the many, resisting what the few hold out and instead stand alongside the many with whatever gifts you have, you are sealed into the character of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

You cannot do this in lip service only, while continuing to support the few, or while providing for your own comfort...but in both word, and in deed...shunning what the few hold out, and embracing what the many need. This is the only way that we are able to change what is in the hearts of evil men to do...or heap the wrath of God's judgments and indignation upon their heads. For in the end, their own conscience's will bear witness against them according to the practice of this truth.

It is not for we as Christians to walk in the moral uprightness of the Pharisees, the ruling class of today...those who presume upon their righteousness in all outwardness. For these do so for the sake of being seen as upright while they help fill the world with violence and corruption by supporting its system of greed. They know that it is this system which benefits and supports them. But there is a far greater righteousness which we should be reaching towards. One that is not in an effort to gain recognition and honor for ones own self, but is only for the purpose of uplifting others.

E Pluribus Unum means “out of the many came the one.” This message of Satan is printed on all that is necessary to buy or sell the things necessary for the sustanance, and even comfort of the flesh. It is right alongside the words, United States of America as if to say that she is the one who came out of the many. It is on the same coin that says, "In God We Trust." It is a conflicting message meant to confuse the ability to reason properly.

But, the "one" what?

The One that Came out of the many!

Here is the mind that has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.
There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other is yet to come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time.
The beast that was and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition. Revelations 17:9-11.

Today this prophecy of the "one who is to come" has been fulfilled in your hearing. For it is here and we are in its midst.

"These are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24 :8
he has been here.

If this 1%, the self designated privileged few, who have all demonstrated wickedness by their love of heaping to themselves the abundance of the world, dividing it up with only those who show their loyalty to them by their support or silence... had anyone’s best interest in mind but their own, then why have we seen the rise in so many billionaires? Only a few decades ago it was a great thing to be a millionaire, but now that time has passed and the world is now seeing the wealth of these men rise into the tens of billions of dollars due to their love of that worldly wealth and the power that it will purchase, while the ranks of those who have little or nothing continues to grow.

Those who are able to enjoy the abundance of the world have once again been determined by the straw that Pharoah provides or withholds in order that they should make for him his bricks of pride which he uses to fortify his security and comfort.

Our quota of bricks, our labors for life, are never diminished. Rather, as these ruling men grow wealthier, greedier, they also grow more afraid. And under the disguise of sharring some of this worldly wealth, the burdens of the slave class, the laboring bunch, are increased, while the burdens of the poorest suffer even greater. Only the straw that holds these bricks of pride together is diminished. This is the money that we use to support ourselves in Pharoah's system, to consume the goods and services necessary for our brick hard hearts of pride, sustanance and comfort. We do this, all the while preserving, supplying, and protecting pharoah's worldly kingdom.

Mortor and bricks, hardend, dry, sun baked lumps of clay. Prideful people with no spirit or soul, who have basked in their own glory are what is produced for the purpose of building a strong support for man's glory and that his goods will flow freely, and worldly wealth flows to the top.

As the cost for keeping and maintaining this pride grows, we find this harder and harder to sustain without the enough straw or money necessary to do it...we begin to make inferior bricks. The pride of our hardened hearts becomes like crumbling, dried out clay with nothing to hold it together, then turning to dust. Yet pharoah, who sits atop this national pride, is surrounded and presumes he is protected by the strong fortresses that these bricks make. He refuses to see them crumbling before his very eyes, because he himself is deceived by his own lies. He refuses to hear of anything that will make him understand..."Give me no news that is bad," he will say, "because it interfears with my vision for the world."

"All thes are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

Don't think for a moment that those who have nothing do not desire crumbs from under the rich man's table of those who have it all for the very sustanence and comfort of their flesh. What little these privileged few have shared has only been for the purpose of gaining more for themselves by the loyalty that they buy from those who were meant to stand in the gap. In this way, they put to death the spirit and soul of a nation. Everyone becomes agreeable for the sake of their own survival.

This loyalty that was bought is for nothing more than protecting what they have. Each one who favors that system is someone who was bribed at a cost to others. They use this 29% to insulate themselves from the masses...fearing the multitude, setting them up as taskmasters over the multitude in order to increase their burdens...while the few at the top pursue their worldly vision.

Because the lives of the 29%...those who stand in the worldly gap... have been favored to rejoice in the few, defending their (own and the 1%'s) honor and way of life, they are unable to see that it is because they depend upon these few to supply them with even their very most basic needs, a dependency that at one time belonged to The Almighty.

They are blinded from the truth that these very needs were created by the greed of those privileged few who control them. Instead this 29% has been led to believe that it is freedom they enjoy and that they are blessed by their own wordly belongings...but instead they have become slaves to men. The freedom they think they enjoy is controled by those whom they serve. The blessings have become a curse unto them as they toil endlessly to obtain and keep what they consider blessings.

This toil is what draws them apart from worshipping God as He should be, from learning and doing what is required by the LORD GOD our Father. And now we feel trapped by it, without an escape, because we have allowed ourselves to be deceived into believing that there is no way out.

We have grown accustomed to our wealth and might...victims of our own averice and fear. The starving masses throughout the world are a testimony to the truth that we are unwilling to give up what we think we own and what we believe we deserve.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

Six is the number for man… “And on the sixth day, God created Man…” "Six hundred" is therefore a multitude of men, (out of the many, E Pluribus) all essence, a merry multitude of men.

“Threescore” or 60 is taken from a root word, “suws” or “siys” meaning to rejoice, be bright, , make mirth, joy. And again…6…the number of man…as in one man…self... “The one...”...Unum.

What then have we except "a merry multitude of men” (600) who are “rejoicing” (threescore) in “ man” (6)… "666."A character of man demonstrated by the work of his hands and the thoughts of his mind. It is not one man who is God, or the Son of God, or Immanuel…but rather simply and merely… in a part of mankind.

And on the sixth day, God created man does not say, "A Man." Nor, "For out of the many, came the one.” But what it says is, "God created man." Mankind.

When God set about to create man, as in mankind, all mankind, in His image, He created first for Himself man...male and female He created them... and then He was to create them in His image. He did this in order to set before mankind certain lessons and examples. Just as He created all things necessary for man's survival in the five days that preceeded his creation as mankind.

Yet, before He had done this, "before any plant of the field was in the earth, and before any herb of the field had grown, God had not caused it to rain on the earth, but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground., and the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground...

This beginning man was formed through a mixture of this dust and water which formed the clay that was used to mold him...crumbled bricks of pride mixed with tears. It was not until after that, when God planted a garden east of Eden in which He put "The man whom He had formed." First He formed the man, then He planted the garden in which He put "the man."...a man, as in man whom He called Adam. And then He made the trees to grow in this garden.

In the first account of creation, all creation was created prior to mankind...."and on the sixth day...God created man." And it was this mankind who were to be made in God's image...all of mankind as a whole. Yet, did not God look upon all His creation that He had created by that sixth day, and was it not called, "very good."

So what then was their yet to create in mankind, considering that it is God Himself that is "good?"

We busy ourselves with questions like, "How could God possibly create everything in six days. But what we fail to see is that the word written was to establish the order through which God creates. We fail to see that it is by this arrangement that He reveals Himself to men. We fail to understand that it is God's express desire to bless men with Himself...and so we busy ourselves in doubt and attempts to be like God in the way we desire Him to be. It is God who destroys and then makes alive.

In the second account, "the" man had been formed out of the dust of the earth" before God planted the garden east of Eden, putting him there, and then out of the ground the LORD God made every tree to grow...

This was the first first Son of God whom God had formed out of the earth, who was intended for the purpose of making mankind into God's image by the obediance demonstrated in God's hearing before God and to the rest of mankind...but because of this man's fall from grace, by his own desire to create himself, he became seperated from God causing the fall of the rest of mankind with him. He became (not made) God. "Like God" would suggest that man was able to be comparred to God, and it was not God who hade made him into this likeness, but man himself, "becoming like God" according to what man had determined "like God " meant.

The son of God was now the man of sin and could no longer fulfill the purpose for which God intended, which was to serve God. He became spirtually seperated from God and His nature due to man's fallen nature of attempting in his own strength to be "like God," and now served only himself. In man's ability to decide what the image of God was, according to his own likeness, he no longer needed God to determin that. Or at least, that's what he thought.

This fallen nature was from man's own effort to exalt himself, rather than humbling himself so that God might exalt him by the loving care He desired to show so that He could be worshipped by man. Mankind instead became as in the image of Satan serving Satan, exalting himself above the throne of God.

In his obediance towards hearing God, the desire to be like God was formed in his heart through the deception of self-righteousness. It was then that desire that became the voice he heard rather than the voice of hearing God. It was just a matter of time before he found himself standing beside that tree, tempted by the serpant whose nature it was to exalt himself in his own righteousness. It was Satan's purpose to engage man in an independant thought apart from faith and trust in God. To think outside of the spirit and in the flesh. He spoke to man's desire, which was now to be independant from God and like (comparable) unto God himself, determining the order for his own creation according to what He decided the image of God should be.

What teenage child does not demonstrate this today in seeking their own independance from his or her parent. They reach a stage in their life when they rebel away from the parents, thinking they have all the answers to life, and setting out to prove it. A parent can do little except hope that what was taught to the child will one day bring him back to the principles of love he was shown. And if the rebellion in the child is of a great enough nature, the parent can only hope from a seperated and distant place. Oftentimes, it is not until the rebellious child has children of their own that these principles are made manifest in them.

Christ was the first Adam, the man of God who became sin...the man of sin, and the last Adam, the Redeemer, regenerate man, the Son of God without sin. In that lesson He gave us a clear example to either look for in our lives or ignore in order that we might be made Sons of God with Him, or remain as the sons of Satan. He went before us so that we might come after Him.

"You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have life...but these testify of Me."

He showed us first what the consequences of not abiding in hearing God would bring, and then the blessings of abiding in and hearing God and what that too would bring. We are man, as in all mankind, as in that in whom God desires to make into His image by the examples Christ set forth before us as opposed to the example which Adam gave and we fell to.

Adam exalted himself. Christ humbled himself. He had to suffer everything that man did in order that He be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. And this would have included being seperated from God. Christ was without sin, but Adam was not. Throughout man's history, there were many preincarnate Christ's, each sharring a character with Him, but none without sin...Christ was the first after prefallen Adam. The first became last...and the last became first...for it is we who see this and believe it who will come after Him.

Though God did not purpose that sin through self-righteous deception should exist, He knew of its existance in Satan, and therefore made it manifest to us through His first son, Adam. It only existed through not hearing His commandments in the desire to exalt self through the knowledge and ability to determine for himself, right and wrong, good and evil, the ability to create himself in whatever image he determines is good.The first Adam was formed for the purpose of exposing sin, the last, who was Christ was begotten to redeem us from it, so that sin could be destroyed without destroying what God had made. And in it, Christ said, "I Am the Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.

Six Hundred, Threescore, and six has a similar meaning to “E Pluribus Unum.” Unum being man, as in one man or men who are one, or as one man, who must always make preparation, the sixth day of the week being the day of preparation, and a man who is neither complete nor whole as Christ is. He is always trying to create mankind in the image he desires...that is his continual preperation. God did not set about to create mankind in His image until after He had created man. We are not complete and whole...none of us...until God makes us so according to His roadmap.

He, the One man, singular man, or men who are as one man, as in self-appointed rulers through the creation and deception of their own righteousness apart from the righteousness of God ( they who rule this present system of worldly support), fear the multitude. So through his bribes and extortion, his wars and violence, he gains the loyalty of some...those who have adopted his ways to do his that with that man, they can be as one man, a man...and not as diversity of purposes and ministry...and in all others they create the fear necessary to control them through the use of more lies.

He is always making preparation for his own protection. One more more people to conquer and cause to create so that others will bow down to his will...more armies...more war machines...more human resources spent...more lofty causes and exploits...while the lives and souls of men perish. He calls it progress...calling it civilization. This is his beastly mark upon those who have received it. George W. Bush saying..."I want to create a world..." according to the image he has determined by his vision that it should be for all mankind. These are the word's of Satan himself coming out of this man's mouth.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

In all of the six days that God created in, there was no mention of any wars being fought. And if the nation of Israel, with the many wars it fought, fell to the self-righteous deception at the hands of Rome, this was to be for the rest of mankind an example of what and how God creates by, apart from what man creates by.

Let's examine for a moment that word..."civilization"...

The English definition defines it in these terms:
A human society that has a complex cultural, political, and legal organization, an advanced state in social development.

Complexity denotes that its nature is intricate, difficult to understand, obscure and of a wide variety, diverse in its nature, but that it is all intertwined to make up a whole. The only sameness about each strand is that it is intertwined with the rest of the whole, but in no way does it refer that any one strand is the whole unto itself...that all should be Christian, or democracies, or Islamist, or Communist...that all should be identical. Instead it suggests that all work together to make up the whole in the diversity that was designed to keep it seperate...but united to the whole...intertwined.

God purposed that they all should exist together in harmony with one another and the account of His creation seems rather simple in comparrison to what man attempts. One societal strand works together with every other societal strand to make up the whole...none is more important or of more value than the other...but all have a purpose that is necessary to keep together what is the whole vine, giving to it its strength.

Each day of creation saw something different, but that each thing created was vital to the overall sustaining of life and well being. None more so, or less so than the others.The strength of the vine depends upon the part each strand plays in working together towards staying united with the whole. It is a system of checks and balances that is found in all of nature.

If any one part of that vine becomes too strong and prosperous; if it in anyway exalts itself over the rest, as the philosophy of western civilization has done, it chokes out and destroys the diversity and divinity of the vine that makes up the whole. If one part exalts itself it is up to the rest of the strands to seperate it from order that it be cut down and removed down. We can now see this happening today.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

If a tree begins to exalt itself over the ground that it grows from and nurishes it, the ground no longer sustains it and the tree begins to die. If the same tree drinks too much of the water that it needs to grow, no other life around it can be sustained. Eventually the soil becomes dried out through errosion, barren and cracked. The moisture that all other life gave up, can no longer rain back down to water that one tree. No fruit can be produced. No life can continue. A strong wind can uproot it forever.

How can this be done? How can the rest of the vine seperate itself from that which exalts itself over it?

The intertwining of humanity has become so intricate that one might not see how they can seperate themselves from something that is choking them out. And that is what that one part wants to keep hidden. For this purpose, God has intertwined with man's culture, a scarlet thread that holds itself out as perfect in relation to the rest. It is the truth of what God considers to be His perfection and not what man would have you believe.This scarlet thread is the embodiment of truth as found in the life of Christ Jesus.

Jesus Christ was and still is "the Annointed One." He did not come, but was sent. He is Divinity veiled in humanity, who “was sent for” the “many,” prepared from and existing with the Father, God Almighty from before the foundation of the world… predestined and already complete and whole...the Word of truth that confronts the lie who humbled Himself to become man. He intertwined Himself with human civilization for the soul purpose of not allowing one part of the vine to exalt itself over all others without the others seeing it. He is the scarlet thread that waters and nurtures and prunes the entire rest of the whole vine.

But if He be removed, if He be taken out of the way by any part of the vine through self-righteous deception, then what will become of the rest of the vine?

The same as the tree that exalted itself over the soil of the ground.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

He is the sacred 777 and what He finished also is complete and whole needing nothing else to finish His work.

He is the true vine, and the government He founded on truth, faith, faithfulness, love , and hope, has intertwined itself in the vine called human civilization for the purpose of cutting down, or seperating out any part of the vine that begins to exalt itself over the rest, if the rest will only take hold upon it. It is the scarlet thread that weaves itself into the whole and stands apart from any other part in perfection to the whole by the truth that it is. Only the rest of the parts of the vine can seperate Him out...but this is to their own end...or take hold on Him to seperate themselves out and away from that exalted part that chokes them.

"Once and for all mankind."

What Christ finished upon the cross, the truth that He showed us of God's redemption sets us at liberty, making us free to serve the One true God, serving Gods justice, uniting us in His love, and giving us peace with that very same God who created us for all eternity...if accepted and believed. He opposed every belief by man that was held. He exposed every lie that some are superior to others and therefore worthy of our worship and sacrifice. He needed no defense for who or what He is. The Truth He spoke and lived testified in His defense. He is "the way, the truth and the life."

All that is required from us is to humble ourselves and claim what He finished, never having to defend our decision to do so, nor our desire for such. The way to life is through the truth. And once claimed, we never have to worry about losing it if it comes under attack because it is already defended by the same truth that set us free. Truth is our defender. He will then intertwine Himself into our lives and become a new government for us. All that can attack Him are the lies that attempt to create fear and doubt…the tools of Satan in order to set himself up as ruler of this world by the agency of men who succumb to those lies. The lies that attempt to remove the truth from the vine.

But truth is stronger than even this. It is but for us to know, to accept willingly so that we can live by it. And in this way only, can we abide in the love of God.

This nation’s (America"s) executive administration are trying so hard to be god–like themselves…to exalt their throne above the heavens…to sit on the throne of God, thinking they are God and yet, rejecting everything that is Godly…like so many nations who have gone before establish the “Kingdom of God,” in their own right and by their own power and through the wars of their own making, so that they can sit as lords over it by the establishment of their laws. And yet they do this through the power of their lies that are believed by those who do not know the truth. O, How many there are who refuse believe it...becoming lovers of the lie and not lovers of the truth. The power that has been gained testifies to this causing one strand of the vine to grow in power over the others. It is a truth of its own making that attempts to remove from our midst the very truth that sustains us.

What testifies of this truth is that all who expose the lies are considered to be outcasts and who, by the very nature of laws that are passed, become marginalized from among men! Call them what you will... liberals, radicals, fanatics, freaks, and yes, even terrorists, who foment a people with the truth about who they are and what they have become them selves. They begin to grow from the bottom of the exalted vine, encircling it until it is fully overgrown, and either destroying it, or causing it to succumb by the truth it is.

These laws are only meant to oppress a people by eliminating any opposition to the lies, while giving the impression of keeping order, national security, patriotism and for the safety and well being of the nation. Yet their true design is to insulate the few from the many...the lie from the truth, the few who by their very nature are lawless according to the laws of the Father...the principles of self-sacrificing love.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

God’s Kingdom is within us and not of this world… it cannot be gained by the enactment of more laws or the heaping up of more abundance. It is not gained through endless wars meant to subjugate by force a people to itself. We must find in ourselves all unrighteous deception and root it out by the truth. We must begin individually and spread from their. From the root, to the very fruit of the tree that we are.

But what does it say?

God is spirit and truth, God is love, not flesh and blood, and His laws are commandments of the heart, not meant to exhibit an outward morality, but evidenced in the thoughts of our soul. He uses the fear of those who create and support the lie, to seperate the light from the darkness through the very agency of these men who seek to insulate themselves from the truth and the masses. If we find within our own selves any of that unrighteous deception, we must allow ourselves to be seperated...divided...sanctified...apart from it by the very nature of the truth itself.

Then God said, let there be light." And there was light.

"And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness."

God saw the truth, that it was good; and God divided the truth from the lie. He did not see the darkness, the lie, that it was good. But in what He created by His word, which was the light, He divided the two. They cannot exist with each other. He did not, by His word create light and darkness, but only light so that it could be divided apart from the darkness...the truth apart from the lie.

We do not enter into the Kingdom by keeping the worldly laws of greed, oppression, violence, selfism, racism, seperatism or apathetic silence. These are all lies that create each themselves.

We enter in through repentance that forsakes these things, and belief in the word of truth which speaks and exposes all lies, especially the ones we tell ourselves...this is the narrow gate by which we come into God's presence. This is the light, and to stand in the presense of that light humbles us to the principles of love...keeping us on a sure foundation .

Any attempt to create a worldly, fleshly, self-centered independant kingdom apart from God is an idol, an image, and is is the darkness of the lie, it is a government that is founded on seperation of church and state...a usurper to the throne as much as the light is divided from the darkness. Gods kingdom cannot be created from without and put on, it is not ours to create, but rather it must come from within by way of the truth and be radiated outwardly in our lives through the opposition which we show to its principles of selfism.

It is not created by man to suit his purposes, and for his comfort in things owned or moral self-righteousness displayed, but can be received by man from the Father to share with God…an inheritance that everyone might share a portion of.

The account of God's creation, and also the gospel of Jesus Christ, show to us that we are allowed to experience sin, and its consequences in hope that we will return to God through the redemption of His Son, fully exposing sin to us, and circumcising it from our heart, without destroying what God created and intended for us to be. It is not imposed on us and neither are we compelled to accept it by force. The longer we attempt to cover ourselves in moral sel-righteousness, the more we are destined to suffer in the pride that it creates. God had a purpose for man's fall...and that was to show us by whose hand we are saved. Anyone who says they have not fallen, or are without sin, has the spirit of anti-christ in them. They exibit it in their exalting of self over others, in their moral self-righteous behavior, and unless they see that, it has been determined where their place will be.

Rather than yielding to the true powers that be, the inheritance set aside for us from before the foundation of the world, those that existed before we were ever created in order to be that example that Christ laid out before us, this nations administrators and all who follow their lead have fallen to the deceit of Satan in thinking that they are or can be the Savior of the world...that this nations righteousness is somehow greater than all other nations. It attempts to be the moral voice of the world, labeling as sinners, or despots, or dictators, or evil men, or terrorists those who do not bend to its will in presenting the lie about itself to the world. But in doing so, it has revealed the true nature of itself.

Though we may be "one nation under God"...all nations are under God, whether they will admit this or not. And yet our government which we follow is by its very nature, seperate from the body of Christ, the church, as stated in its own constitution. It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, making it an entity unto it own self, for itself and by itself...serving only itself and not serving God, nor His government of spirit, truth, love, grace, forgiveness, goodness, patience, and kindness, as He would be served. And unless this people called "The United States of America," consider themselves to be like God, which by their very nature of independence from and exaltation over the rest of the world demonstrates that they are not, then its government is a false government of man serving itself in moral self-righteousness towards the world, usurping the authority that belongs only to Christ the King, who was meek, and lowly, yet the embodiment of truth. He spoke the truth in all circumstances, not in condemnation of anyone or anything, but in a bringing to light in truth the fallen nature we had become in the darkness of our deceptive lies.

We cannot claim ignorance to this, because God has given to us His word...we can only accept it...or reject it...but we cannot pardon ourselves from not knowing it.

How difficult it is for us to accept this truth...but unless we do, we will all go down to perdition, right alongside the evilness God will put there. Then we will know condemnation, for it will be accusing us day and night for the rest of eternity by the very truth we rejected.

I've stood over this bottomless gaping pit of hell. I was given an opportunity to pear down into it for a moment. I was saved from it by the truth and have no desire to spend eternity in it. It is a terrible place of condemnation that torments the soul. It is made up of all the voices of all those we failed to love, and the faces of those we rejected because of our greed. There is no love there, no compassion or warmth. There is no tenderness, or comfort. It is only endless, relentless, never ending condemnation of our guilt, our shame. And it is not my desire to see anyone suffer there. So I must speak what I know, write what I've seen and heard, for the saving of any soul who desires to be saved from this terrible fate...or I will not be fulfilling the purpose for which God gave His truth. I will not be loving you as myself. You are my countrymen, and it is you that Satan desires.

This is a nation that relies on its own strength, the power of its own military might, its own thoughts, ways, and ideas of governance apart from God's. The devices and desires of its own heart, once again testifying to the nature of its own governance. It believes it is the answer for all of the rest of's last best hope. which by the very nature of that stated hope fails to recognize God as its hope.

Many of its religions are false, being approved or rejected by its govenment by sanction, in that they are meant to be easy, requiring little from us and that they do not cause trouble for the worldly status quo, but only tend to the fleshly needs of the poor which they have rejected.

It is difficult to tell the difference between one who follows any particular form of religion, and one who is simply part of the secular society with no religious belief. Yet there are some. It believes in and tries to sell its ways of independant life and material blessing to the rest of the world whether through coersion, bribery, extortion, or force, when in truth it has not enough answers for its own people. Now that we are all independant from one another, everyone is free to take what they can for themselves. To pursue their own happiness even at the expense of anothers. Religions that call themselves democracies. The road to Rome which does not lead to the kingdom of God and delivers no message of faith and salvation to its people.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8
he has been here.

And yet, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to be a sacrifice for our sins, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Western Civilization is the "world" today. It's the portion of the vine that exalts itself over every other strand. Yet we who have been born free, are Christ's slaves, and unless we humble ourselves to our Master, we will be punished for it as any disobedient or unrighteous servent would be.

The United States takes for itself in the global arena, attempting to heap the abundance of things to itself. Taking by force if necessary, the very resources that another nation may depend upon. Violence and corruption fill its land…Misery and suffering are its byproducts...all have turned to their own way.

While there is a form of happiness, it is fleeting, and for most, it is false. It can be swept away just as surely as loosing all ones worldly possessions that keep it sustained. See this in the reactions of people who survive natural disaters.

It gauges the prosperity of other nations according to its own abundance. It marginalizes nations who do not agree with its free market philosophy of greed and who attempt to resist its corruption by making known the truth. You've seen this over and over...but yet you still do not believe. How many more signs in heaven do you need...or do you still yet look up in the sky? Perhaps you even claim that you and our nation are righteous over all other nations and therefore worthy of this honor.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8

he has been here.

What do you base your happiness on and what sustains it? Do you measure it in the abundance that you may have? Would you still be happy if that abundance was suddenly gone? Would you be content to own nothing? Is there anything of this world that you would miss if it were to be suddenly swept away? Would you still know happiness? To what lengths would you go to in order to hang onto the way of life you now enjoy? Does the blood and lives, peace and prosperity of other nations mean more to you than holding onto it at their expense? Answer these questions truthfully within your own heart and do not be deceived by it.

Here is a list of the empires who have gone before us in their efforts to rule over God’s creation… not His Kingdom...but what man attempted to create as its substitute. They are the ones who came out of the many, who wanted to rule the world; to sit at the right hand of God with judgement on their wings against all men...who made the claim too, that all nations are either for them, or against them:

Babylonian Empire- Created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Persian Empire- Created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Greek Empire- created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Phoenician Empire- Created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Egyptian Empire- Created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Roman Empire- Created by man's ideas,Conquered and fallen
Ottoman Empire- Creted by man's ideas, conquered and fallen
Byzantine Empire- Created by man's ideas, Conquered and fallen
Spanish Empire- Created by man's ideas, Conquered and fallen
British Empire- Crteated by man's ideas, Conquered and fallen
The German Empire- Created by mans egocentrism, conquered and fallen

I am sure that there are some that I've missed...but you get the picture.

Each of these nations went forth to conquer under the illusion of liberating...but in the end were conquered by God the Father Almighty because they thought they had been raised for their liberating conquest because of some righteousness on their part...the national pride that made them believe that they were somehow deserving of the spoils of any victory...not knowing that they were only God's instrument to defeat the empires that went before them.

Each chastised nation then fell to their own pride and yet , each empire that arose after them as God's instruments fell to the same deceit. This nation, America, has now fallen to the same error. What started with Godly intentions, will end in its defeat.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;

from spiritual faith to great courage;

from courage to liberty;

from liberty to abundance;

from abundance to selfishness;

from selfishness to complacency;

from complaceny to apathy;

from apathy to dependence;

from dependency back again into bondage.Sir Alex Fraser Tyler: (1742-1813) Scottish jurist and historian

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8

he has been here.

The scarlet thread is already growing up from the soil, truth in the way of life is encircling the one strand that is exalting itself over all others in human civilization. It is but for men to take hold upon it.

How long, O Lord must man still not learn from long, O Lord, before He understands? How long before Your justice is vindicated?

Each of the man-Gods that ruled these empires tried to establish their own way, their own wisdom, and their own set of principles, rules, and laws…to establish their own wisdom and prudence apart from Godliness...and yet, invoking God in their wars. Each attempted to impose them on the rest of the nations they brought under their influence, drawing off of the empires that fell before them in an effort to improve on their errors, thinking that they were somehow different, more righteous, more blessed because of some victory only handed to them by God for the purpose of testing and to prove His truth and power about man and his system of governance.

"All these are the beginning of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8

he has been here.

If we do not embrace fully what God intends us to be apart from the will be this world that we will become bound to and enslaved in...the choice is ours alone.

From the very beginning The Almighty God raised up nations to demonstrate His power before His people in hopes that they would follow His ways. Starting with Egypt God said to Pharoah, "But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that my name (character) may be declared in all the earth.
And yet you exalt yourself against My people in that you will not let them go. "

God's power is in His truth, that He is almighty over all. That His government is not one of anxious fear, caused by lies, it is not one of oppression, or violence or corruption, but one of reaping what you sow. If you sow lies that control by fear, if you use oppression, or violence, or corruption, then you will surely be destroyed by these. When I saw you, I speak as to a nation. For it is these that bring upon a nation the very plagues that destroy it. The very things they used against other nations will be used against them and twofold...because they will now see what their condemnation will be...and shall be very afraid.

Each empire-nation saw themselves as invincible, above the law, and beyond reproach. In the end the prudent and wise men who ruled these empires and those who became their followers saw that what started with good intentions on their part, ended in their ruin, as well as the decay and ruin of their empires which were gained on the backs of the people.

No conquering nation that came after them saw themselves as being brought up for the purpose of showing the Almighty's strength over them. They fell to the deceit of Satan every time...that it was because of their own righteousness when they were not righteous. And while God allowed this in order to skim off the dross from the gold He was refining...many refused to believe it. God's people saw this truth and seperated themselves from the deceit...they accepted the reason for their chastisement, repented of their deeds, forsook their ways, and returned to God in belief that He (His character) was their salvation.

What had brought about this ruin is the national pride that comes through conquest, the self-righteousness that comes through domination, the corruption that comes through wealth, and the violence that is necessary to hold onto it in order maintain the empire. It hardened the heart of a nation, while at the same time it weakened their spirit. All of these are in opposition to God Almighty's principles of righteousness towards self-sacrificing love. Towards this, God gives to us a spirit that is strong, and a heart that is soft, and for which there are no laws against.

The rulers of these empires exhibited an outward image of high moral values in order to fool the people...they used this to lord over their nation and empire...(this is God's way of sending strong dillusion to those who did not love the truth)...while all the while they plotted and schemed ways to grab more for themselves. The administrators of these empires did all they could to hold onto the power that they received. They refused to give up the power they enjoyed when in the course of human events, they began to abuse it, thinking they were like God, passing judgment, taking vengence, creating the world, and possesing the lives of men.

Their own pride refused through the use of lies and deceit to hand over their kingdoms to God and so they were destroyed at the expense of the people whom they claimed for themselves...and who supported them through either their actions...or their silence. Those who defended the honor and pride of these men went down to perdition alongside did those who remained silent in the face of evil...those whose duty it was to administrate government.

The way that future generations view them is how they will spend eternity...despite any rewriting of their history by man in order to show differently...they will have become a curse to their own people who go down with them, or who remianed silent in the face of it...and will remain so for eternity because their followers and silent ones and those who administer government, will be right alongside them wailing and gnashing their teeth day and night as will the adversay...Satan,the devil himself. They will see clearly what they rejected and that will be their torment.

These will never be able to forget the sins they commited , both against The Almighty and His people....for all who have supported him, through actions or silence, have become that curse too...eternal condemnation will be their reward on the day that they die...unless they repent, and forsake their ways first, and believe that it is God who makes us and not we ourselves.

"All these are the beginning of sorrow." Matthew 24: 8

he has been here.

What you have done for the least of these, My bretheren, you have also done unto Me.And what you have not done for the least of these, My bretheren, you have likewise not done unto Me.

What you sow, so shall you reep. Believe that.

What will history say of this generation? Its leadership? Will we be viewed as a wicked generation who only sought after our own? Or will we be called a blessed generation for speaking out against the wickedness of the world, not in condemnation, but in hope that it will change.

“Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” I Corinthians 1: 20
For it is written,“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

There is and always was…only One answer, One way; and rather than freely receive what we have been freely given, but at a heavy price to be paid by the Giver, in order that we might set an example before the world and reflect that light...that truth…many have fallen, like the rest of the nations through history, to the devices and desires of their own hearts... their own ideas of govenments by self-righteous deception for their own gain.

All mankind receives the government that they deserve, reaping what they sow. If truth is sown, a government of truth will be reaped. If lies are sown, a government of lies. And any religious organization that supports this goverment either outwardly, or by silently withholding the truth from its people, is false.

And though you may confess these things during your solemn services…you have not forsaken them, which is what true repentance brings. "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart ( Godly truth) brings forth good; and an evil man (one who speaks lies, which is the ) treasure of his heart, brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of a man's heart, the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

Is it your desire to sit at the right hand of God…a place that is already occupied…and a place that every man, woman and child desires to be at the expense of his/her neighbor, exalting self so that others might show you are righteous, knowing in your heart that you are not?

From the head, to the very soul of our nation the manifestation of Satan has taken hold...and is evidenced in the silence that you keep...a silence that comes from doubt and fear. Who has bewitched you to do this, who has cast this spell upon you? I am afraid for you.

Yet, as it is written:

Those who exalt themselves will be humbled.

Prepare yourself then, for the humbling of a nation...those who have exalted this nation and those who have tried to humble other nations under the lie of protecting national though they are more deserving of The Almighty's abundance and what the world may consider to be blessing...and those who by their silence have supported it and lived luxuriously in it. This will come upon you as a a theif in the night takes from you what you thought was yours to own.

For the Kingdom of God is now at hand, and now is here ! It is but for you and I to reach out to it and receive let it encircle its truth around that which exalts itself, and then to become what we cannot be in and of ourselves.

If you do not recognize or receive it, then you are lost. If you do not see it then you are blind. If you do not hear it then you are deaf. History testifies of it, nature reveals it and The Word of God speaks it. So shall it be. It is a perpetual promise that reaps what was sown to all generations.

So now, I look for the brightness of the glory of the coming of the Lord.
Mine eyes have seen it.
I pray for the coming of the tribulation which will usher in either condemnation to the world for those who refused to believe the truth...or rest for those who do.
It will be the darkness that light shall shine from, that all might see the same glory in the end, so that all might see salvation and Who our Savior is. All shall bow down, from the head down to the very soul of every nation. Amen!

"All these are the begining of sorrows." Matthew 24: 8

he has been here.

"And I see no your eyes anymore...only sadness."

All you can do now is resign yourself to your fate.


Blogger MigratingSpirit said...

this may seem like a silly question to start with but: did you write this?

12:13 PM  

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