Monday, October 10, 2005

All The Nations Wll Be Gathered Before Him

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne (mercy seat) of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand (those who followed His way), but the goats (those who butted up against His ways) on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, saying ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”

Nowhere does this statement by Christ imply that we are to go out and conquer nations. Nowhere does it imply that we are to torture prisoners. Nowhere does it imply that we are to rob nations of their own resources for our own comfort. Nowhere does it imply that we are to ignore the plight of those who are least in the eyes of our rulers, to rob them of their dignity for disagreeing with the violent and corrupt policies of the corporate entities that it stands before. Nowhere does it say that patriotism to a corrupt and violent nation will save us from the day of the coming of the Son of Man. Nowhere does it say that keeping silent in the midst of what we know to be wrong will set us on the right hand of the King. Nowhere does it say to follow blindly down the path to destruction.

Everywhere it says to love from a pure heart those who have nothing, those who are unable to provide for themselves. What you choose to do today, to redeem the time, will have everlasting consequences for you. To feed them the truth so that they too can stand.

What has hindered Christians from standing up for what Christ teaches? What has prevented them from taking up their own cross and following that path of righteousness?
The answer to that is preservation of self, which is doubt in the ability of God to preserve us as He has promised.

Are you now beginning to see the utter need for repentance and belief?

Quite frankly, there is nothing that stands in the way except for self. The pride of life that says unless you have this, or belong to that, or are the other, deceives us into thinking that we are righteous according to the works of our own hands. We are easily led according to the devices and desires of our own heart. We practice religion according to what we have determined is right or wrong, good or evil, the traditions our father handed down, not even knowing if what they were handing down is what God will is...completely neglecting what is in the best interest of others...for the sake of the truth.
We are led, we are deceived, we are conquered by the likes and workings of evil almost continuously throughout our lives, and there is no reason other than our own selfish nature to blame for this failure. And that royal motive is how we shall be judged in the end.

Our own selfish nature would prefer to believe the lie rather than the truth, because the lie requires less of us for another and more for ourselves. We are taught from the beginning that we must resort to violence in order to become men. We grow up in an atmosphere where everyone is seeking gain for themselves; we are in constant competition with one another for financial independence, something taught at a very young age in our very leaning institutes...corruption according to the way God defines corruption.

We are taught early on to succeed according to the world’s standards, or fall away when we see that we can’t...but don't dare see this. The earth is littered with this kind of decay and corruption. Lofty men causing us to believe that the only way to be a success is to be good laborers for their merchandise, whatever it is, so that we can be successful and afford more of their merchandise for ourselves...the food that perishes in its own viscious cycle.

When we find that we can’t, we refuse to allow ourselves to appear as though we are not successful, and resort to many different means in order to keep up that image. Credit, loans, mortgages, debt, have all been the beginning of many a ruined person because they wanted to give the impression to the rest of our society that they were as successful as everyone else is pretending to be, or expecting them to be, fearing rejection, or being relegated to the fringes of society. And when this debt cannot be repaid, when an illness or injury for example, prevent us from fulfilling our obligation to meet it, those who were so willing for us to have their merchandise now turn their backs. They wanted us to appear successful too, because that’s what makes them rich. They don’t care how we repay them…as long as we do, with interest.
If you can’t, they will take everything you needed to appear successful away from you. They do not care that you were living a lie…they helped furnish the lie. They only want what they believe is theirs.

So the world turns.

It spits out those who cannot consume or produce enough to make it matter to those who control it all; The American way of life. And this is what we are trying now so desperately to export to the rest of the world in hopes that they will take this same mark of the beast as we all have. Yet it is spitting out the human waste at a greater rate than has ever been known in man's history.

Even many of our mainstream religious institutions that must first be sanctioned by the secular society that they support have robbed God of His glory. New boilers, high mortgages, a new sound system, bigger and better buildings, high utility bills… anything that can attract men according to the worldly standard… all require money and resources that we have decided are necessary in order that we not forsake the assembling one with another.

The poor widow gives her last two mites to support this system because she believes it to be the way. We support administrators, secretaries, custodians, pastures, priests, and a hierarchy of humbuggery that all dip their hand into the cup with Christ. No one gives freely of what they’ve been given freely of, all want to be paid in order that they can live comfortably...and again the money and resources all flow to the top, with two bags of groceries twice or maybe three times a year for some poor soul who has nothing. All the while these poor souls suffer in the shadow of the very churches and institutions who have sworn themselves to their care.
You don’t see big, mainstream churches supporting the poor neighborhoods where they got their start, but rather following the money trail to the suburbs and the people who helped them maintain their beginning of predatory and host greed.

Though, thank God, there are a few who remain steadfast, the true church.

These innkeepers, who take from the poor souls more than what they were paid by the Good Samaritan, bend to the demands of the secular government they support in that they keep quite and do not rise up against them in truth.

But… will Satan cast out Satan?

What of the independent churches, those considered to be cults, those that are out of the mainstream… where men have drawn Christians to themselves?

Unless they are equipping the saints to go out and evangelize the word for the sake of God’s glory and for the sake of “the least of these My brethren,” then they are nothing more than little antichrists who went out from among the brethren seeking their own gain, filling pews and enriching only those who profess to know the truth, yet who still refuse to preach it because it may cause some sort of persecution that takes away their glory, honor, and livelihood...they refuse to especially see the truth in themselves because their eyes have become bedazzled with what is lavished upon them.

How do I know this? Well, I have been a house painter all my life…and the worst travesty to Christianity was when I painted the home of one of these independent preachers. The home was palatial, and had every modern convenience, including a basement home cinema that was in worth of well over $16,000. I watched as it was being installed. the main living room had walls over 30 feet high. The televangelist preacher, that claimed a following all the way to South Africa, with donations coming in form them all, had a palace of over 7,000 square feet of luxury living. He owned a fleet of automobiles that included a Lexus S.U.V…a Mercedes S.U.V... A Cadillac SUV…and a Roll’s Royce SUV…a porche.
While I was in the process of painting this “prince’s” home, a leather coat that he had misplaced, came up missing. He accused all that were in “his “home of stealing it. Also, an $8,000 Rolex watch that was given to him by the hierarchy of his parish was gone and he could not account for it, so we were accused of stealing it.
Later, this “man” found these items. He offered no excuse or apology…anything to explain his actions. He was simply relieved that he had recovered these “things.”


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