Monday, October 10, 2005

That days of Noah are now

But as for the Second Coming:

"But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the Son of Man be.

This is not only to say that life is simply going on as usual. But that it is going on as usual in the midst of violence and corruption that fill the earth…that the people of the earth ignored this violence and corruption and went about their business and lives as though it did not even exist because this violence and corruption prospered them. They certainly were not speaking out against it, but rather, they refused to see it. They most certainly were not preparring to move away from its midst.

They refused to accept that they were unaware, unconcerned, and living a lie, because anything that is not of the truth, is a lie. They imagined wrongfully that they were living righteously.

However, that they were not speaking out against these injustices, this violence and corruption showed God that they approved of these things out of fearfor their own safety and comfort. This was not the faith He sought after for this peoples faith was in their comfort and plenty.

They showed that they were more concerned for their own happiness and well being than for the violence and corruption that all the earth was filled with. In not speaking out, they were self serving.

They were all aware of what Noah was doing. They all heard that this was the only way to be saved…and yet they didn’t believe it until it was too late...they could not even imagine what it was they needed to be saved from.

Like the five brides who failed to provide oil for their lamps…when the door to the Kingdom of God …the Kingdom of spirit and truth…the Kingdom of love… when the door to mercy and grace, patience and kindness, goodness and truth was closed, they were left outside knocking: and God said, “I never knew you.”

God who is spirit and truth and all those other things that pertain to His love was rejected until that day.

The word used in Genesis for violence is the Hebrew word ch`am`ac and refers to unjust gain (of any sort). Unjust gain is taking more abundance than is necessary through the use of any false means, which is to say, taking for self. It implies wrong and injustice by an oppressor, unrighteousness (all sin), violence against and violence done, as well as violent dealing. It is taken from a prime root word meaning to imagine wrongfully. Imagine wrongfully that you are more deserving of this gain than another.

The Hebrew word used for corrupt is shachath. It is a prime root word meaning decay, ruin.

Collins “Concise English dictionary defines ruin as decay. It defines decay as decline or cause to decline gradually in health, prosperity, excellence, etc.; deteriorate. Decay is taken from the Latin word decadere, which means, literally, to fall away… perhaps of saving faith as in the falling away that precedes the rising of the anti-Christ.

That is what it was like in the days of Noah…going on about life as if nothing mattered...grabing as much as possible for ones own comfort while violence and corruption filled the earth.

To love your neighbor is to speak the truth to him of this present evil age …not nice things, because truth in its entirety is often stark and brutal… whether he accepts you for it, or rejects you for it is not at issue. It is to speak out against the violence and corruption of our time, not simply believe that it is someone else’s problem. It's all of our problem.

It is to see for your self as well as help others to see the decay and ruin that is the product of avarice, greed and covetousness… taking more than is necessary for daily living…to see the lie…as well as the violence and corruption that surround it.

We here in America, for the most part, choose to remain ignorant of what our “American way of life” is costing and causing in the rest of the world around us. We insulate ourselves with nice things. We refuse to hear of the suffering in nations other than our own and even turn away from that suffering right here in our own country. Our leaders and those who follow them would have you believe that the whole rest of the world is lieing about our atrocious ways in their lands; and that it is only propaganda and not to be believed. But that is the lie.

Poverty, decay, ruin, violence, and corruption abound all around and we say little or do little to stop it. Instead we choose to believe it is somehow the responsibility of another and not the consequences of our nations policies towards them. We refuse any accountability and continue to go on about our daily lives, supporting the very system that is the root and cause of so much misery...believing it is good.

Instead, in an effort to prolong the inevitable, we heap to ourselves more of what is not necessary to sustain our day to day life. We attempt to prepare for hard times this way, not knowing that it can all be swept away.

We are entering a period of woeful disgrace and descending into the abyss, into complete abasement and utter darkness. We have entered it, and unless we change our direction, change our lifestyle, change the very habits and comforts we have become accustomed to, we will be overtaken as dreadfully as those who were swept away during the day of the great flood. That is what the coming of the Son of Man will be. This time it will not be with a flood, as in the day of Noah, but with the fires of judgment; speaking to the very conscience and moral fabric of our being in condemnation that will last an eternity.

Our only hope in the future is to reach up, and take hold upon the truth, and the way to life that Christ showed us...for He is our refuge, He is the living ark today...not democracy, not freedom and liberty...not the American way of life...not the government who deceives us.

If you choose not to believe this for the sake of who I am...which is only a man...then believe this for the sake of yourselves...and for the sake of the love of God.


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