Monday, October 10, 2005

The Lord of the flies

We call it progress…the advancement of the human race towards its inevitable end. Yet, this progress comes at a cost, and the benefits of progress can only be appreciated by those who can afford it…those who have not been crushed under its weight. But for those who can’t, a wide swath of death and destruction , poverty and misery are left in its wake so that those who feed off of this progress can satisfy their lusts , their desires, their wants in lives that are continuously being improved for their own comfort. Selling our soul for a piece of meat. That is the cost, the price for progress.

Satan, translated, literally, means, “The Lord of the Flies…and this so called human progress is what allows him to prosper. The waste in human lives is literally consumed by a swarming mass of flies that feed off the human decay and filth left over by “progress.”

No one can say they are ignorant of this…you’ve seen the newsreels of human tragedy, poverty and suffering that takes place in so many parts of the world. 1.1 billion people living on less than a dollar a day, while a huge percentage of the world lives right alonside them in over abundance.

These places were the poorest of the poor eek out their squalerly existance, are generally shanty towns of misery right alongside the massive plantations and cities of the rich who feed the whims of the world that can afford their goods from the labor provided by the very poorest of the land, while these poor starve in the face of abundance.

The next time you sit down to your luxurious feast, think of this “Lord of the Flies” and the human suffering that went into providing it for you. Right here in America, migrant farm laborers struggle for survival, living in squalor as they attempt to eek out a living keeping our grocery stores filled with fresh produce. These are some of the better off laborers in human misery. And yet, they are not far from the misery experienced in the shanty towns that surround the wealthy plantations in Africa, where the laborers are paid even less, if at all.

Maybe you might think to say to yourself that it is by their own choice that these live as they do. while we do have some creative control over our lives, there are human characteristics of a very base nature by the ones who control the abundance that interfears very often, with the ability of those living on the edge to prosper.

This present system of support does not always consider that the playing field of survival is not always an equal field. There are many peaks and valleys on it, and it is not fair that those who are weakest should have to climb so high to receive what by nature, God provided for all to enjoy.

What value is placed on human life these days? Wars for land and riches, greed for money and comfort, ideologies that support no one except those who form them and the few who benefit from them.

What difference does it make to someone who is starving to death, whether they starve in the name of freedom, or totalitariunism, for Christianity, or Islam?

“We cannot simply possess freedom; we must constantly fight for it. (Not in the way the world fights, not with guns and wars, but so that it benefits all). We fight for it by putting it to good use and using it in the cause of truth.” John Paul II.

As progress continues to feed the Lord of the flies, many more will eventually succumb to its horrors. Many who are now experiencing the benefits of progress will be swept away by it as have over 70% of the world’s population. Make no mistake…no one is immune…no one is worthy to be left out of the death and destruction and crushing weight of power and greed. Huge armies and weapons of destruction have been constructed to ensure this. And if its going to happen to you, that you be swept away, it will happen whether you like it or not.

When will these soldiers who have been enlisted to do the bidding of the rich beat their weapons into plowshares to comfort and feed the poor?

A Great Tribulation must take place first. A great distress more terrible than the world has ever known. A darkness so dark will first come upon the earth. A darkness in which there is no light and all is misery. Not one we can see with our eyes...but one we will all know in our heart except for those who stand at the top of the heap. their misery will come later.

When God is completely taken out of the way…voluntarily mind you…and all men can sense it, that is what will be the cause of this greatest of all tribulation. A time when no man on earth can see the end, but that is all he can look forward to. It’s not far away. It’s nearer than you think and will overtake this world like a thief in the night, consuming all.

When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in the earth?

The answer to that is, “No!” The faithfulness of God’s love will be gone from the earth…The faith that was once delivered to the saints when those who abided in it loved each other with a fervent love that transcended any difficulty…Self sacrificing love that gave everything and expected nothing in return. Love that spoke the truth to each other in encouragment for the tasks at hand.

Where is that love today? How few are willing to give it? How many more even can? How few enjoy it? It is nearly gone. It is being taken out of the world by progress and all who succumb are being eaten alive by The Lord of the Flies.

So how do we stop this madness?

Well, we can’t. But Jesus Christ can, and will, after the entire world comes to that realization. Like lightening out of the east, to the west, humanity must come to the realization that the only thing that can save it from destroying itself is self sacrificing love for one another. God’s faithfulness on a global scale. All will succumb to that…every knee will bend…and every head will bow to it. This is our Salvation and all will one day realize it. It’s greater than the salvation that we realized upon our conversion to the idea of it, when we came up out of Egypt, the sin world of lies we told ourselves to support our pride.

I suppose there are some who are waiting for this tremendous event, attempting to see it in a fleshly sense...maybe great miracles in the sky...but the heavenly message and the signs and wonders that are to eminate from Gods heavenly kingdom are within you just as surely as the kingdom of God is within each of us. We need only open the eyes of our understanding to see it.
Its a Kingdom of spiritual truth, of faith and love and hope. Some miracle for the pleasure of your senses will not open your eyes to it...God will not present himself to our flesh...but to open your understanding that He has given us everything necessary for our salvation...including His son, Jesus Christ...and if that is not enough, then what will one more miracle do?

We have wandered aimlessly in the wilderness for generations; we have allowed the golden calf to become our savior at the urging of a few, but the acceptance of the many. We have willingly allowed it to be made. Yet it has not saved us. We have sat down to eat and, drink and then go out to play. Many in this wilderness will have perished. Only the voluntary act of self-sacrificing love, the voluntary compliance to its principles, will save us.

But we are stiff necked people. We will not succumb to these principles until everything else that matters to us, everything we put ahead of love, every crutch that props up our pride, is stripped from us. When all is gone, sucked up by the selfish few, the few we mistakenly put our trust in, the few whom we relied upon to provide us with our needs, and to whom it seems our very existence hangs in the balance, only then will we realize that God’s ways are good. Only then will we go out to defeat the purveyors of greed and power by no longer desiring their goods. Instead we will plant our gardens, we will once again become fruitful people, bringing back to the world the abundance we once had.

There will be no more need for armies and weapons of mass extinction, because those who remain will understand the Godly principles we now reject. All others will have died in their wars.

It will become then a voluntary act. Only after” these things” are defeated in us will we see that they never brought us happiness, but rather only misery from the labor to obtain them, and the stress of maintaining them. Keeping up appearances for the sake of someone else in order to be accepted.

“These things” that are pleasing to the eyes, good for food, and able to make one wise; everything that appeals to our fleshly senses and removes us from the spiritualness of Godliness, Godly faith, and the appreciation of a simplicity that does not bind us to this life, our false religion of stuff, when they are removed and given a distance in our lives, we will, like Paul the Apostle, say they have become like dung and we will ask ourselves how we lived in the stress of producing and consuming it all...The blessedness of owning nothing, but possessing all.

As natural resources that go for the maintenance of life as we know it become more and more scarce, the cost of obtaining them will rise. As these costs rise, so will the cost of the goods they provide, and so will the cost of protecting them. Fewer and fewer will be able to afford their cost and the wake of human suffering that is left behind will continue to grow while those who produce these goods become more wealthy by the sale of them.

Progress. The Lord of the Flies will continue to devour its decay. All resource now goes for the continuation and defense of it. All humanity is now worthless compared to this defense.

The freedom of Democracy is not the same as the liberty that set the captives free which was accomplished by Christ at the cross. That liberty was not accomplished at the end of a sword, but was accomplished by the self sacrificing love of God and is to be a lesson in how we are to be saved.

“Therefore, if the Son of Man sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.
However, “Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called. Were you called while a slave? Do not be concerned about it; but if you can be made free, rather use it. For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave. You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. Brethren, let each one remain with God in the state in which he was called.”

Capitalistic progress makes slaves out of men. It causes them to take for themselves what is more than necessary for them to live. It causes them to become slaves to their own survival and comfort because there are those who control all goods and services necessary for survival. We labor for these things as the ones who provide them through our labor become enriched by our labors. And as these goods and services diminish, having grown dependant upon their use, we become slaves to the labor that is required for obtaining them…only the straw that is used to produce them will become diminished. The cost of everything will only go higher because our true human nature is covetous and desires comfort from our labors. We will be required to produce our quota of bricks for Pharaoh even though our supply of straw becomes diminished.

When will we stop this maddness and simply walk away from it all? Stop producing stuff, and begin replenishing the earth. Our eyes have become dazzled by what the world convinces us that we need to live. Our lives have become frantic harried messes in our efforts and attempts to keep it all under control. So why not simply end the madness and forsake everything as Christ asked us to do?

We will only do this if it is what everyone else does, so unless everyone does it, it doesn't make much sense for me to do it. I will be left out in the cold without any comfort or food to sustain myself. But then, where is our faith in what God has promised? That He will provide for us, and provide may only take a leap of faith. And then the Lord of the flies can no longer live for the waste and human misery will no longer be there to feed him.

This time is approaching, and there are already those who have taken this great leap of faith.
But the time will come when all men can see the futility of what this system supports.

"Come out of her My people, before you share in her sins and receive of her plagues. "(referring to Babylon the Great). Unfettered capitalism.

And this will bring about her demise.

And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore. Revelations 18: 11
The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing. Revelations 18: 15
For in one hour such great riches came to nothing. Every shipmaster, all who trave by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance. Revelations 18: 17
They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, "Alas, alas, the great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate. Revelations 18: 18, 19.

And what will this "one hour" be. "As the lightenining comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."

The sudden realization of truth, that our system of producing and consuming stuff, things, merchandise, never brought us any true and lasting happiness, but instead created a world of poverty and misery will cause us to turn away from it, desiring it no more. This is all that is necessary for the end of the worldly oder to cease, because it depends upon our producing and consuming in order to keep it fat, and filled with its own self-righeous, self satisfaction of pride and arrogance.

The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have gone from you, and you shall find them no more. revelations 18: 14.

It will not even be your desire to search for them

And what will be the demise to that system?

Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great milestone and threw it into the sea, saying , "Thus with violence the great city Babylon shall be thrown down, and shall not be found anymore." Revelations 18: 21.

We will destroy all that we thought was necessary to sustain our happiness and comfort, and no longer feed the lord of the flies.

The great multitude who threw the yoke of consumerism off from around their necks can now turn their hearts and mind in worship back to the loving God who showed them how to do it...and the great joy that comes from it.

After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven saying, "Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her." Revelations 19:1,2.

No longer will the distraction from our worship of merchandise interfear with our worship of the Lord our God. Amen


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