Monday, October 10, 2005

Satan's nature in opposition to the Father.

In giving us a clear word on the exact character and express nature of Himself, God has also made plain to us what is not of His character and nature...what is in opposition to it...especially within our own fallen nature. By revealing the truth about His nature that the lie we may tell ourselves is in opposition to Himself, He has put to light the lie. He has given us clear instruction on what the nature of the lawless one is, whose lawlessness comes from believing in the lie. He has shown us clearly what type or antitype is not of the image He created us to be, by showing us who He is. It is up to each and every one of us to learn what that is and embrace it, in order that we are not fooled into accepting the lie. God has given us His character so that we take up His cause. Anything else is in vain.

“For the Lord loves the righteous, (those who believe in Him), but the wicked (corrupt) and the one who loves violence ( the evil way) His soul hates.” Psalm 11:5. “For there are no pangs in their death, but their strength is firm. They are not in trouble as other men, nor are they plagued like other men (by the unrighteous deeds of their own hearts). Therefore pride (through self-righteousness and the failure to see their shorcomings) serves as their necklace; violence covers them like a garment, their eyes bulge with abundance; they have more than heart can wish.(all of these act as a deterant to allow them to see). They scoff and speak wickedly concerning oppression (they accept is as a way of life); they speak loftily (proudly). They set their mouth against the heavens, ( by thinking that God approves of their behaviors) and their tongue walks through the earth,(accusing others, while excusing themselves). (Are we all not in some way guilty of this?) Psalm 73:4-9.

The minority, the ruling class at present, has the schools and press, usually the Church as well, under its thumb. This enables it to organize and sway the emotions of the masses, and make its tool of them: Albert Einstein - Source: letter to Sigmund Freud, 30 July 1932 (Not a condemnation, but a truth)

How many more sons and daughters will we sacrifice to the fires of judgment, to the battles of man's wars, propogated by the lies of our own deceit, while the very ones whom we sacrifice them for, take more and more from their future and for themselves? You decide..."We the People."

Challenging a mistaken war can take more courage than fighting one. Not challenging it throws away the soul of a nation.

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

What has God ever done for mankind that was based on lies and deceit...and I say, nothing...then who is the ruler of those things?

George W. Bush is convinced that God chose him for this special destiny…Adolph Hitler thought the same, as did countless conquerors who came before him. But for what destiny would God choose a leader who deceived his people into thinking that he was like a god?

This is the royal motive that each and every one of us must search our hearts to discover. It is the royal cause behind which each of us must struggle to return to the peace that God intended each of us should know. It is not gained through self deception, or violence, corruption, oppression or war, but in honestly facing the reality that God has shown us, and then living out that reality, that truth; to confess it with our lips, and believe it in our hearts in order that the lawless one is destroyed by the brightness of its (the truth's) coming.

Our silence to it only testifies to our doubts and fears and then what have we become? We have become lukewarm and good for nothing except to be vomited out of the mouth of God. We have become instruments of Satan doing the bidding in his destructive wars meant for our chastisment...remembering that it is sin that begets war...and not truth, which exposes that sin.

So wherein and what is your faith America…and who or what do you put your trust in? Has the abomination that makes desolate set itself up in your heart? Pride and arrogance, lawlessness and lies, doubt and fear? Have you too become the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that you sit as God in the temple of God, showing yourself that you are God?

By keeping silent, we have allowed this to happen. By concealing the truth. Or do you believe in all your heart that the true nature of God is not found in lies, doubts, fear, and bloodshed. It is not found in pride and arrogance, whether individually or nationally. It is not found in the lust for power and the greed of gain. It is not found in violence and corruption. Are you willing to stand up for what you believe, for what is righteousness and truth? Are you willing to speak out against violence and corruption in order that innocent lives can be sparred even if it costs you the world? Are you willing to humble yourselves from the true nature of man in order to reveal the true nature of God? Or are you lukewarm and good only to be vomited out of the mouth of God?

Perhaps you have become rich (Worldly abundant) and wealthy, having need of nothing ( because you know the truth and keep it to yourself)- not knowing that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, not knowing that you lack courage and conviction to speak, not knowing that your doubt has made you part of the lie and an instrument to be used by Satan.

Into whose hand is your freewill being offered? The one who puts you to silence in an effort to gain and keep for yourself, so that life has an end..or the one who asks that you speak in self-sacrifice of yourself. that He will be given what is His due reward for your life which He gives...and which is eternal...having no end?

You decide...we the people.


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