Monday, October 10, 2005

The Face of Fear

Fear has a way of changing the faces of rulers...and their people. Their class has struggled to get to where they are, to gain the power that they have, to consolidate it, to hold onto it, and they fear many enemies both real and perceived. They forget the contributions that were made by the people who inhabit the land, considering them illegitimate inhabitants. Anyone who is not like the rulers in their thoughts and loyalties, are considered to be outsiders, not in the loop, no matter how many generations they have abided in the land. These rulers own perverted minds create enemies and fear if need be and despite what everything else shows to the contrary, will pursue a course of action against themselves, against their perceived enemies, in an effort to control or eliminate any real or perceived threat or enemy.

This fear eminates from the power that rules the head of most rulers who have become taken in by the power their position carries. They sit as “king of the mountain” and often fail to realize where their power comes from. whose hand it was given.

Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time,
And the devil said to Him, "all this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be yours.
And Jesus answered and said to him, "Get behind Me , Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.' "

Their course of action of those who have given their worship over to Satan, or as Satan would have it, then becomes to sell their loyal followers on the notion of fear, that another people have become strong enough to overthrow their lives and need to be dealt with shrewdly and harshly. They fear that these people living in their land will join together with another enemy in the event of war to fight against them and go up out of the land which they presume to control.

It is the reason why empires are built in the first place…in order to secure the loyalties of other nations for the security of the empire builders... as agents of the devil.

And so they multiply the burdens on these people which have the effect of producing exactly what they feared to begin with. Strong armed tactics, intimidation, segregation of the classes, menial jobs, racial profiling, bigotry, hatred, prejudices, imprisonment, oppression…these are the tools that are used to enslave a particular people living in a society, and the means to create a bitter empire.

The fear that these men nurture, is what will be the agents for their own destruction in the end...but not until they have drawn everyone in that they can. When all others who have been drawn in are destroyed, then the worst fears of these men are realized, destroying them with double the fear that they used to destroy with.

In America today, value is placed on its citizens according to our ability to produce and consume. The more you are able to do either, the more you are valued. Those who are not able to do either are increasingly seen as burdens on society. This class often includes those who are relegated to the fringes of society, as well as the weakest, the oldest, and the infirm.

As individuals, we are dependant upon the greatest producers, who as taskmasters over us, place heavy burdens of fear upon us in order for them to appear as though they provide us with what they have set themselves over us to provide.

Utility companies, grocery suppliers, automobile enterprises, loan agencies, insurance companies, tax collectors, etc. All dipping into what we would wish and desire for thosewho are less fortunate.

Of course, this has provided our nation with the basic needs in a somewhat civilized manner for those who can afford it, so as not to have utter chaos in the taking of it. But it has created a greater dependency of more people on a smaller percentage of suppliers, that are then able to manipulate the actions of the population with the goods and services that they provide.

Greed and lust for power have taken over the minds of these great producers as world consumption according to need continues to grow.

Great cities have been erected that have in them all the necessities of life…or so we are led to believe. Instead they are merely a better means to control the masses and the commerce needed to supply its needs for the enrichment, abundance, and worldly wealth of the few.

What happens then as these great producers get greedy for more? What happens when the resources we were led to become dependent on begin to run out or become hoarded to manipulate their price? Or that soveirgnty of nations takes control of over the gluttony of the manipulators?

The general masses will still be required to labor for the producers who supply their wants and needs. The laborers will still be required to produce as much in order to satisfy the greed of the suppliers who manufacture the goods through the labor of the laborers.…only these laborers will be asked to do so…or forced to do so if necessary…with less and less of what they need in order to sustain a particular way of life...because as the supply of raw material dries up, the cost of obtaining these materials becomes greater...and no merchant will be able to cut that he will cut the wages of his laborers in order to maintain his profits. He will always want to be sitting fat and happy...the world be damned.

The ones who control everything will not be satisfied to control less. Their greed for power and wealth will not diminish. Like a sickness, an addiction, they will not relinquish anything even at the expense of the suffering of all the people who are asked to produce them for less of what they need to sustain themselves. We then begin to sacrifice the wellbeing of our families, our homes, our very lives, because certain few could not be happy with less. And as this problem becomes world wide, as greed for money and power escalates, wars will begin to destroy what everyone holds dear so the fewer can have what they continuously crave.

What makes this so sad, is that the alcoholic, or drug addict in the street, at the bottom, exposed to the most misery, who sees suffering everywhere, will be marginalized as an outcast from society, labeled a sinner because he cannot bear any longer to look upon this misery. His chemical addiction will become a source of shame, keeping his head hung down low, while those whose addiction is to power and greed exalt themselves even further upward.

And because these people have been led to believe a lie…that these man-gods are somehow agents of God looking after their needs, that they are in control of the world, that they are the only ones who can save us, or govern us, that they are somehow strong enough to overcome...or too strong to defeat...the masses will continue to turn to them for help, even when they learn that they won't get any.

The people who support them will not speak out against them for long, even when they know what is being done in their name is wrong, because their own children are at home expressing their desires and needs, but rather will do their bidding until they drop from old age, exhaustion, starvation, sickness or death.

Pharaoh’s only fixed principle was to hold onto power for himself…to gain as much control over it as he could in his lifetime for the sake of his posterity and for a legacy unto himself...and it is no different today.

In all of 6000 years, the nature of man has not changed.

Once power over a nation, or a people, or a community is gained, or once a nation becomes powerful, it is difficult for those who gained it or are in control of it, to be able to relinquish it. As a matter of fact, history has proved that these leaders, these false shephards, these wolves in sheep’s clothing, spend their time in an all out effort to gain more power, consolidating it to themselves so as not to loose as to be secure. and comfortable above all other concerns for humanity.

And we call them public servants!!!

They are in a state of continuous preparation to protect themselves from loosing what they only presume belongs to them. Political manuvers, political opportunities, polotics of selfism.They will continue this strong hold to the very ruination of their own people as well as any people of the world...despite any generosity that they may show.

If the only fixed principle of the leaders of the world becomes gaining, consolidating, and holding onto power for themselves, what then of the people they rule? Would it not be in their own best interest to follow suit...every man for himself.

Certainly of course it is too much for one man to control everything. So, this one man delegates authority to men under him; large or small armies of men who have sworn their loyalty to this one man, or men of one mind, and each in turn adopts the same fixed principle.

The Iniquity of selfism abounds because there are no other real fixed principles. Certainly none that are according to the fixed principles of selflessly sacrificing ourselves for each other which God has taught and desires for His creation.

Take a look'll find self- sacrifice at a premium comparred to selfism...and that is what agrees with the final reality of the world we live in today...despite the fact that there are over 6 billion people who profess some sort of religion or another that teaches us to be different than this.

In the eyes of God, selfism is not the fixed principle of His faithfulness…instead this is iniquity, which is simply the lack of the fixed principles of God…it is lawlessness. This type of leadership by men teaches the people who are ruled by it that it is every man for himself. You are only of value as much as you are able to produce or consume or consolidate for yourselves of the goods and services that are provided by the ones at the top for the purpose of their own safety, security, and well being. Everything flows upward and there is never anything left for the ones who are weak and infirm, the poor and neediest of the human race, those at the bottom who are counted as last, the ones Christ taught true Christians to care for the most.

Every man in turn, looks to the one who is lord over him and is drawn away from those who are after him. Our eyes are continuously fixated to the top of the heap for our own survival...and away from the bottom of the hill.

Why? And I will tell you...

It is because of the fear and greed of some, that they have made merchandise out of what is necessary to sustain every man for his day to day living. It's called commercial enterprise and is what capitalism is founded upon, and what now supports our system of governmental support.

If I make merchandise out of what you need to sustain your life...and you cannot pay for it by labor or by cash or by some means of your own...then you will is the mark of the beast...and all will be forced to take it.

Yet, does anybody work so that others can have, expecting nothing in return? If we all did this, no one would be without. Instead everything has a price.

Sure, we may not have some of the things we now use for our comfort, but none would have to do without. Why then is this so hard to grasp? Would fear that someone might take more than their share have anything to do with it? And certainly that fear may seem legitimate...but so what if they doesn't have to be allowed always.

No one gives freely of what they have been given freely of...and that is a principle that God says will work for everyone. So why don't we use it?

Well, because ther are those who by their greed have convinced us that this system is better.

Instead they take from the abundance which God has provided, heap it to themselves until there is nothing left but a demand for it...and then they sell it to whomever can pay their price. And anyone who can't they will gladly put into debt to themselves until they can no longer squeeze from them a dime...and then they will turn them out into the cold to suffer, and to die.

As this trend continues to get stronger, truth is avoided more and more.

“He shall hinder until He be taken out of the way.”

Only the brutal honesty of truth hinders the advancement of a lie. When truth is removed, when it is no longer spoken,it no longer restrains the lie. Oh, it is still lived and living, but it is denied at every turn.

What I have been writing will more than likely be discarded in a day by anyone who reads it...even though they know it's the truth. Instead they will prefer to go on living the lie because it is what they have grown accustomed to and it is easier for them...but all the while they do this, they may look down their nose at another and judge him a misfit according to his own standard.

Only those at the bottom…the weakest…know the truth and will not deny it. And as this bottom grows larger and larger…it unknowingly grows in strength. This is what the rulers fear the most. It is what justifies in their minds the heavy burdens that they lay upon this people in an effort to keep the masses down. However, all these heavy burdens serve to have the opposite effect of controlling the masses and instead create a bitterness that threatens to fuel rebellion.

It happens to every nation, whether rich or poor...but whether rich or poor is what determines on how long its leaders can prolong it.

In their desire to remain powerful, and in power, this nation’s rulers have “dealt shrewdly with Christianity, lest we multiply, and it happens, in the event of war, that we also join their enemies and fight against them, and go up and out of the land...they have attempted to overrule anything that allows for the furtherance of what our principles are and Who is credited for them...preferring to take this credit to themselves so as to appear "like gods."

They have set taskmasters (foreman) over us to afflict us with heavy burdens in order that we build for these leaders a storehouse for their treasures.”

Because of our own covetousness which tempts us at every turn, it is difficult to feed Christ’s sheep when we are enslaved to producing or consuming Pharaoh’s goods. This truth must be faced by Christians today. And yet, despite our affliction, we continued to grow and multiply.

“So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve (the Egyptians) with rigor. And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage…in mortar and brick, and in all manner of service in the field. All their service with which they made them serve was with rigor.” Exodus 1:13&14.

Because so few people around you show any SINCERE and RELIABLE obedience to their profession of faith, your own SENSE OF OBLIGATION to Christ like character and virtue is diminished. You EXPECT LESS from yourself AND others; and so, like just one domino in the row, YOU TOO, fail to be consistent with your profession; thereby disappointing someone else, who then follows YOUR example. The social life among professing Christians has degenerated into a RAT RACE, in which the PROSPEROUS MAN and the BEAUTIFUL WOMAN get all the applause and attention. Church-Goers strive with each other for authority and reputation within their own group; and THESE are awarded to those who MINDLESSLY perpetuate whatever doctrine or program is already in place.

It's JUST LIKE the Godless world that you thought you WERE LEAVING when you joined the "church": BUT, because you are afraid to start "judging", you ACCUSE YOURSELF, you IGNORE THE OBVIOUS, and you end up doubting that you can ever know the truth. You ALREADY KNOW that if you "rock the boat", you will only be criticized AND rejected by those very people to whom you are looking for love and support.

Taken from the book,” The Great Dream,” by, Just Another Christian.

What no one seemed to notice . . . was the ever widening gap . . . between the government and the people. . . And it became always wider. . . the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think for people who did not want to think anyway . . . (it) gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about . . .and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so fascinated . . . by the machinations of the 'national enemies,' without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us. . . Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures'. . . must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. . . .Each act . . . is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even talk, alone . . . you don't want to 'go out of your way to make trouble.' . . . But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That's the difficulty. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves, when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. . . .You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things your father. . . could never have imagined." : From Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free, The Germans, 1938-45 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955)

BECAUSE iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. This is the falling away of the end times. The Great Apostacy!!! This “falling away” is what directly precedes the coming of the lawless one. It is why Christ says, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in the earth?”

Christ is not referring here to just any kind of faith, for there is certainly various types of faith that abound today…but rather, He is comparing it to the faithfulness of God, that was once delivered to the saints from the beginning. That type of faith has been in decline for nearly 2000 years. Apostacy was evident at the time the gospels were being written and nowhere in scripture does it say it gets any better.

“Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now, many antichrists have come, by which we know it is the last hour.

This was written nearly two-thousand years ago. How much more truth does it hold for today???...and yet you are still willing ... O Christian continue down the same path as your forerunners as though they knew where they were going...but yet do you follow Christ?

Certainly we may pat ourselves on the back for the meager groceries we provide for the food pantry…but to be a loving Christian, how many are willing to take time out of our busy day to place those groceries on some poor souls table, and then invite them to be a part of our life…to concern ourselves with the wellbeing of the individual far and above simply providing a days meal for them. How many are willing to genuinely care for, and nurture those who need it the most, and not expect any reward or recognition for it.

How can we?

We are under the burden and yoke of selfism that is propagated by fear from the very ones we place in authority over us. We are so busy serving our own needs that we have no time to serve the truest needs of someone else.

Agapeo love… the active devotion to the welfare and happiness of the one who is loved…the love that gives without calculating the cost or reward, looking only to God for recognition. The love that loves to those who are unloved, unwanted, overlooked, and under fed anything resembling love.

Oh Lord, how then can we return to Your faithfulness in love? How can we throw off this yoke that binds us to the world and the rulers of the world, and remove the shackles of selfishness? Deliver to us, O Lord, Thy faith, and Thy faithfulness and put in our hearts the faithful way in which You showed our fathers, that we not be an abomination in Your sight. Give us the strength and courage to turn from the societal way that says “me first” and instead become unfashionable in the way we do things. Not only in filthy rags, O LORD, but in the cleaness of the garment You wore.

We must all look deep within ourselves and find that hidden portion that has been smothered under the cares of this present world, under the deceit of lies, under the pride of fear, reaching down and pulling out what is necessary for our salvation… that portion that Christ gave to each of us, “once and for all mankind.” We must begin anew to recognize the love and tenderness and compassion for each other that is of greater value than any thing we possess.

It begins with me, and ends with you. We cannot look any longer to the rulers of this world to do this for us…or be our example...they won’t! But that is not our excuse, O LORD!

We can no longer rely on the production and consumption of what they have to offer and instead, give of what we have, counting the loss of all things as dung for the betterment of our race as a whole.

This love is nearly extinct in Christendom today, but it still exists within us all. It may only be smoking flax, but it has not yet been fully extinguished. We must allow it to once again be fanned to a flame that burns brightly within and radiates outward to all who are in need…and we are all in need.

It is generally a given that when a people share some struggle together, that it brings to them a closer bond with each is in the failure to have that mutual struggle, that people go off and find their independance from one another...they become distant in their self-sufficiency and no longer find a need for one another...but this is where the problems they are all in search of some cause to champion rather than each other...and each ones cause becomes more important than the cause of his neighbor...and for this reason, a society of people will enter a place called Babylon.

Take from us what you will O LORD, that we might have nothing left except to give what we are able to all those whom we love...and all those whom we do not even know.


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