Monday, October 10, 2005

The Faith Once Delivered Unto the Saints

By now you might be wondering what all this means. Well, let there be no mistake that it has been written and chronicled all down through history starting with the fall of man. But a testimony by God, as to how He shall defeat the “first of nations” through out the generations was spoken by God to Moses for the remembrance of Joshua and all who are saved.

"Do not think for a moment Satan, that we do not recognize who you are...because we do...and we (this generation) will reveal your character to all who will listen, every chance we get... and why?...because you have fooled us for too long...but we will not let you deceive us get ready and all who still believe in you...for we...who know the truth, who are weak, and are now strong... we will, as the brightness of the coming of the LORD, with His truth, destroy you, sending you into your abyss can no longer deceive us with your lies...because there are enough of us who know the truth...history has taught us...and we will not be afraid to speak it...and to implore others to accept it...and speak it too...and we will continue to preach it and let history prove what we say...until there are enough of us to say...get back of me, you devil...for you are nothing but lies that speak to our desires...which we now no longer have because you overwhelmed them with your desire to be worshipped.

It is a good and grateful thing that this generation...who came out of self righteousness...and can have for their posterity...a huge generation of aging men...who are able to teach the younger generation of our folly and hope that they will learn...that we are many, even if they are not...and we are the weakness you tried to cause us, you have made us this is what we give to those who come after us...and after you...who all come after our LORD of righteousness...the example of our errors...and not our righteousness...for we have none that is like unto Thee, our God...Our only hope is that they, our posterity, will credit their own mistakes to we have done...AMEN

So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge (literally “tongue’) of the sword (of truth). Then the LORD said to Moses,” Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” And Moses built an alter and called its name, The-LORD-Is-MY-Banner; for he said, “Because the LORD has sworn: the LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.”

In order to fully understand what this means it is important to understand who Amalek and his people were in their time, Because while this people may have been blotted out of remembrance, the character of who and what they represent, is why God has said he will have war with the likes of them from generation to generation. Exodus 17:13-16.

The Amalekites were first among nations. They were the super power of the day. They made war with those who were at rest, the recently liberated nation of Israel.

Then he looked on Amalek, and he took up his oracle and said:

“Amalek was first among the nations,
But shall be last until he perishes.” … Numbers 24:20

The name Amalek means warlike, so the very nature of its people were warlike in their conduct. They were the first nation to come up against the people of Israel, making war against them to fight while Israel was at a place called Rephidim, which means “rests,” a stop along the way shortly after their exodus from Egypt.

So while the infant nation of Israel, newly emerged from the slavery of the sinful world of Egypt, was at a place of much rest after their great ordeal, they were attacked by the warlike and powerful nation of the Amalekites. These Amalekites dwelt in the land of Edom, and Amalek was a chief of Edom which was the name given to Esau, the older brother of Jacob who sold his birthright for a piece of meat (flesh) and whose people became cursed by God. They were mountain dwellers, which is figurative for dwellers in pride and arrogance, looking down upon the rest of the world before them. They lived in arrogant self-righteousness.

Today it is not much different...the U.S rides roughshod over the Nation of Israel with its roadmap for peace...but it has kept Israel at war for the same 50 years... that they have once again become as a nation. ..but not yet a nation.

But I doubt Israel will be deceived for long...They have grown...not in numbers...but in strength through their chastisement they received when they were dissbersed.throughout the nations...they are not any longer so easily deceived...despite what they may appear...they have learned finally that their destiny belongs to God..who is not a government of man. The nation of Israel is merely using the United States to defeat its enemies...and if the United States was a true Son...once they were defeated, Israel's enemies that is...the United States will hand them over to Israel to rule...this will be the true sign of sonship to a contrary nation, and the beginning of a true, "New World Order." Like it, or not!

But history syas that we will not hand our power over to a foreign nation...and yet..we will prolong the order that it should not have to...if America does...I will follow it as God's kingdom come on the physical sense.

This is the character of the nations that the LORD has sworn to defeat from one generation to the next. Whomever sets themselves up as first among nations will have to have war with God, and will be defeated by the same tongue of the sword of truth that defeated the Amalekites by the hand of Joshua when the Israelites were attacked by them at Rephidim. See Exodus 17:8-16.

Perhaps, in our self-righteousness, through our strong defense of the physical nation Israel, we as a nation will become defeated., depleted in our efforts to defend them. And in this way, the scarlet thread, that encircles itself around the strong, will owe its victory to those whom God chose to be a people after His own name...despised and weak.

O,Irony of ironies, as the writer "J" would have understood.

If you have ever played a game when you were young, called “King of the Mountain,” then you understand that the object of the game was to knock everyone else of the mountain in order to maintain the top as king. However, it was also the object of everyone who was not king to try and remove the one who was king from his place and take over…to knock him off until you were able to step up, or someone else, more powerful stepped up ahead of you. This is the position that Amalek and now America find themselves in. Through their greed, pride, and arrogance and self-righteous ways each rose to the top to become first of nations, attacking what they thought to be a weaker nation at rest with the direction they were going. The effort is to be the king of the mountain…a place where it is only Christ’s right to be.

If you wanted to subdue all other nations, you would first desire that they be conquered by your enemies, in order that you not have to fight this way...when all other nations have become could merely step up as King.

And so it is with the impurities found in unrefined gold. As the gold is heated to melting, the impurities or dross float to the top, fighting everything to get there in their effort to rise to the top.

They are then skimmed off.

But someone has to first start a fire that heats the unrefined ore.
The first shall be last...and the last shall be first.

The last nation to defend Israel, shall be as the first, in that they saw a nation at rest that needed their prideful strength to defend their freedom...but in the end were defeated because they thought they were the God of Israel for its protection....and because of this...they became the first ones to start the fires of judgment that made them last in the eyes of God.

Is this the position you would like to be in? Speak out then.

Who fought alongside Joshua in this battle against the Amalekites? Was it the men of another nation? No, it was men from within her own wandering nation...but for the rest of the history of Israel's captivity...nations went up against nation for her defense...or captivity...each one taking her captive in its turn...and each one submitting to her defense in the end... then to her God...the God of design or by deceit.

Certainly when Moses sent Joshua to “choose some men,” Joshua looked for men in whom he was able to recognize the same character that he found was a necessary element to fight this corrupt and cursed nation.

These were men that believed in the cause for which they fought and believed it was the will of God that it be done, men who could use effectively the edge…or tongue… of the sword of truth. They had seen the great things that God had done to the Egyptians and were not afraid of any man.

Certainly the whole of Israel did not fight, but only “some men.” They were not superior in force, but superior in the faith delivered unto them by seeing and believing the LORD God Almighty.

Joshua chose men who were of the same or similar character as He because these he would be able to easily recognize, even if he could not recognize Him in himself. He would know them by the words that came from the abundance of their hearts spoken by the faith which they held, and then acted upon. They would be willing to go.

While Joshua fought against Amalek as God's instrument for their defeat, Moses (rescued from out of the water) went up to the top of the hill with Aaron and Hur, (brightness and splendor), and seated himself there on the rock of faith. In his (Moses) hand he held the rod of authority, the word of God, and his arms, when they grew tired were held up by the brightness of justice, and the splendor of mercy. Moses depicted God sitting as king seated on His throne upon the hill for all to see. No one else but the LORD could sit there. Not on a high mountain, but on a humble hill. His arms were outstretched as the crucified Christ as if to embrace all those whom God gave to him. And as long as Joshua could look upon God as being “King of the hill,” then Amalek could be defeated.

As long as Joshua could see that the hand that held the rod of God’s authority was held up, then Joshua prevailed. If, however, that hand was let down, then Amalek prevailed. But the brightness of justice (Aaron) and the splendor of mercy (Hur) supported those hands until Joshua defeated Amalek.

And so it shall be today.

Any nation or even worldly religion that sets themselves up on that mountain as first of nations have, as ruler and supreme authority over other nations of the world, usurped the authority that belongs to spirit and truth, mercy and grace, patience, kindness and goodness, sitting upon the Rock of ages... and whose hands are held up by the brightness of his judgements, and the splendor of His mercy...for this is the Almighty God who is enthroned upon the humble hill for men to see.

What further exposes these usurpers to the superior position of world leader is the use of violence and corrupting lies. How many wars have been fought and how much blood has been shed even in the name of religion...twisting what has been normally accepted as truth and righteousness, and misapplying it to their own way in order to suit the purposes of expanding their will over others.


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