Monday, October 10, 2005

Love thy neighbor as the self

War is not the price for peace, but is the penalty of sinfulness, in that it brings only death and destruction, confussion and chaos upon those who refused to obey the commandments of God. Whether they be the agressors, or the recipients of the evils it causes.

“One” has already shed the blood for our peace with God, for which no other blood needs to be shed, nor is worthy to be, “once and for all.” And without peace with God, there will never be peace on this earth. “One” has already set men at liberty through the forgiveness of sin. Upon His cross He said, “It is finished.”

But those who create the visions, the dreams, the causes, the ideals, by which they hope to rule over what God has already set free, are usurpers to the forgiveness which God has designed that all mankind should benefit from, selling a false doctrine of worldly peace that excludes the God of our fathers and our God, making for themselves the title of “god, lord, ruler,” by the destruction of their wars.

This is Baal, and all that worship this falsehood worship a false god, a false prophet and a false doctrine of this they have sinned against God. And their end shall not be peace, but shall be the death and destruction which they wrought by their wars.

Jesus Christ did not go out and wage war against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness, against the powers and principalities that set themselves up over the hearts of men. It was in overcoming this world order, these powers of darkness, by the truth He spoke, and the lie He rejected at the cost of His own flesh and blood that He became victor over it.

These men who have given themselves to the powers of darkness...the power of the lie which is only fear of it, tally up the cost for their peace (or comfort) in human lives lost and blood shed to consolidate or transfer the power that they crave with greed, flown in on the wings of a worldly vision and then sold to the masses who then become decived into buying it with their blood, or the blood of their neighbor.

One day, a final battle will be fought; one that will so sicken men by its brutality, that the smell, the odor of it, will be fixed in his soul forever, an odor no mans lust can erase; or that any man’s cause or vision or ideal or difference or way of life can ever bring him to lift up his hand in anger or vengeance or hatred against his fellow human, his neighbor, his brother, ever again. This olfactory smell will only bring to recall an agony so sharp, an inherited piercing of the soul so deep, that it can never, ever again be ignored because of the words of men or the thoughts of self. It will be a remembrance that is so deep in the earth and in our thoughts that it will make a soul cringe at the very thought of ever taking another life rather than forgiving it; or of ever lifting up a hand up in anger against his neighbor, friend, or brother from this race we call humanity. It will cry out from the very ground we stand on; the very ground that has soaked up the blood from countless lives in days gone by of endless wars, now forgiven, but never to be again to be forgotten by men; from the multitude of kindred souls crying up, “never again. It is finished. It is enough.”

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the LORD.

This glory will not come until some men have done all in their power to deceive for the sake of destroy its coming. When that has finally failed, then we shall all cry up to God who is our Father, and will finally believe that God the Father does truly love us all, has created us all, loves us all, and learn that we need to love all that God does, yielding to one another as all of nature does.

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood…but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

The Beast is the pride of a nation created through massive wealth and conquest, accumulated by a few and used to deceive the many.

Anti-Christ is the deceived man who leads this false doctrine and government of false hope and stands before the power of darkness that buy it. He is also the whore who rides the beast, prostituting himself in terror of loosing the power he has to the corporate entities who have bought his loyalty…multinational corporations hell bent on gain of worldly profit, who seek to gain the world at the expense of their very souls and the souls of all who follow them.

The image to the beast is the government of religion established by this power…attempting to reflect a god in the image that men have created him to be, standing up for the lie in opposition to the truth, rather than reflecting the God that God created men to be…it’s given a voice that it might speak for the world and all mankind through each individuals vote that reflects his or her desires…silence too having its voice.

The false prophet are those who speak the lies fed to a people who accept them willingly and gladly, fairy tales and nice things, lofty causes and noble deeds, fears of national enemies both within and without, because they prefer them over love for the truth that is sometimes harsh and hard to swallow because it involves them.

Babylon the Great is the nation who spreads these lies throughout the world and accepts these falsehoods, attempting to get others to accept them too through its wars… a militaristic nation practicing a false religion of pomp and ceremony, rites and rituals of glory to man and all he stands for. It uses its might and wealth to force and bribe and extort its ways onto the sovereignty of other nations through the agency of chaos and confussion. To do otherwise would expose them for what they really bring any kind of true and lasting peace would remove their power over the nations. Its soldiers defend national interests for the greed of a few rather than becoming soldiers for the truth in defense of the many.

The mark of the beast, 666, out of the many came the one, E pluribus Unum, simply put, is the great selfishness of a merry multitude of men disguised as joyous independence and practiced by the works of the hand and the thoughts of the mind. Putting one nation above all nations, or one self above all others in self=righteous moral splendor.

Together, all these make up the Great Satan...and now his time has come so that God can and will make it to come to an end and he knows he has but a short time remaining. Do not be deceived by him little ones. Herin lies the patience of the saints...for all these things must come before the end of this present system of things...hold fast to what you believe. To him who has an ear, let him hear.


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