Monday, October 10, 2005

The Character of Satan

Make no mistake, the real enemies are lies disguised as truth creating doubt and fear, given over to by an act of our own freewill and created by the desires of our heart. It is these lies that create the causes that each man is reluctantly forced to take sides with in order that pride shall cover their fear…the true darkness… the cry behind which each man stands on the same killing fields with his brother, his neighbor, while God rips that pride from his heart and the desire to ever kill again those whom he shall never know. Yet it is these causes that will judge the motives and intent of every man.

This will not be just a war, but it will be a moment by moment decision between two brothers who oppose each other, pitted against each other by the fear created in them by their rulers, by the cause they were sold which fills them with pride in order that their fear remain hidden…a cause that causes their hearts to swell in self-righteousness... each trying to survive on the same piece of land, ready and willing to kill for it, or even die for it...each becoming the adversary of the other, the accuser, which is the spirit of Satan him self only desiring the lives and souls of these men.

Multiply this by the thousands, and then by the millions, and even perhaps, billions. It is the same decision that is inside us all between what is of this world and what is greater than this world.

Hatred and love, selfishness and self sacrifice are all intertwined in blood that is confussed by a cacophony of names and ideals, beliefs and dreams, visions and ambitions and causes more confusing than the battles or wars themselves.

No man shall ever be a victor here. It’s only the cause that appears to win, the ideal, the vision or dream while the ground is baptized in the blood of those so hell-bent on dieing for it; an ideal, that no matter how much blood is shed for it may very well die one day itself: Democracy, freedom, unity, liberty, stability, the pursuit of happiness and even world peace, if it is not led by the truth.

These have become merely bywords for the greed and lusts for power and riches of some men; the causes by which they make good men to fight, multiplying their fears, selling them lies, buying their loyalty, giving to these men a royal motive behind which each man is required to stand that his pride shall sit on the throne of God in fear that it is not God who has been invited to sit there. He refuses to remove himself out of fear that there will be no one worthy to take his place.

Yet, there should be only one cause that draws men together, not in battle against one another, but for the learning of good…One word that men should be willing to die for in order that they might live That word is truth…for God is Truth. It is in our heart and in our mouth if we will but find it and speak it.

When Jesus stood accused before Pilot, He didn't resist, He didn't accuse, He did not set Himself up as an adversary, or try to defend Himself. He merely presented the truth. He presented God to Pilot, and because Pilot thought he was a god, could not recognize it. Because Pilot was in a position to determine good from evil, it made him out to be like a god, and therefore held his own perception of the truth. And yet, because it was his own, he doubted even that. "What is truth," he asked? Not knowing that the embodyment of truth, Jesus Christ, is who he was asked to judge. And yet, he was correct in judging when he said, "I find no fault in this man." But because he feared the multitude, he did not act correctly on that judgment. His fear of not appearing like a god distorted his judgment.

The Cause which God gave us to live by is to seek justice, not vengeance, it is not meant to appease a crowd for the sake of their own conscience, but to rebuke the oppressor by word and deed, not wage war against him, to defend or vindicate the fatherless, not create them, or fixing blame on them in order to condemn, and finally, to plead for the widows and the orphans as advocates rather than pretending they don’t exist or that they are someone else’s problem, or creating them through more wars. This can only be done by embracing the truth, by embracing that which agrees with the final reality. By this cause we should stand, and any other is a false cause, a worldly pretense that deceives men into thinking they are doing righteousness. The wars that Satan desire for the purpose of gaining men's souls.

Pilot was so close to discovering the truth...but the accusing noise from the crowd swayed him away from it. He feared their rejection.

These false causes are the way of the world and are merely a pretense for the lusts and greed of some men, stirred up in the hearts of others. They may seem right to man, but only lead to his destruction…they are for the sake of glorifying man…not God. They are for presidents and rulers who seek their own legacy.

The destruction wrought by wars that are based upon false causes, based upon the greed of a few, that continue the corruption and violence of man leaves a swath of death in its path…not just of the flesh, but of the spirit and soul as well. They cause those who resist with violence, to become like the opressors who use violence, as violence begets violence.

“If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is sin, (pride and arrogance and the evil way,[ which is by war]), and there is sin that does not lead to death.” I John 5: 16, 17.

I cannot sit by idly, praying in the face of this deadly sin. This is not a time to pray but a time to speak.

To everything there is a purpose under heaven…
…A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak. Ecclesiastes 3: 1, 7
Therefore, the prudent keep silent at that time,
For it is an evil time.
Seek good and not evil,
That you may live;
So the LORD God of hosts will be with you,
As you have spoken. Amos 5: 13, 14

"Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage-----torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the bombing of civilians, (the beheading of men or of a man)-----which does not change its moral color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”: George Orwell

Salvation does not come through our good deeds and righteousness…but rather through our repentance and belief that Christ died for our sins…our crying out because we are slaves to its system of understanding. But unless we can admit the nature of our wrongs…in truth…we cannot repent…nor be saved....and unless we can see these things, we will not turn from them, forsaking them. Are we then truely repentant?...I think not...and therefore, we cannot be saved.

“Thou shalt not kill.”

There are no exceptions to this commandment. “If any man sheds mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed; (he will reap what he sows)...for in the image of God He made man.”

These words were spoken by the Almighty and were said by Him after the fall of man in Eden. They were spoken as a rebuke to all mankind…not just Americans, or Arabs, or Jews…but all mankind. God is not a respecter of persons. They were intended to address the violence and corruption in the world, both before the Great Flood, and after. It is an immutable commandment with no exceptions given. The commandment does not say “thou shalt not kill except in war.”

Those who shed man's blood are they that reject Christ and the way in which He taught us. God made man in His image. Not some men…all mankind. Christ blood was shed so that no other blood need be shed…nor is worthy to be for the purpose it was annointed. All of us are called to wash ourselves in the Blood, the life of Christ, not defile ourselves with the blood of man. And any man that does not speak out for that truth is just as guilty of that shed blood as though he had shed it himself. This truth was brought to our hearing when the High Priest of Israel desired Christ's death, yet he was unable to either order it, or perform it. Instead, he coerced by a lie, the secular government of Rome to perform what was forbidden him to do. However, the high Priest was just as guilty of that shed blood, through his desire for it, as were those who ordered and carried out the act. All who remained in silence, allowed it to happen and were as guilty. This brings all into responsibilty for it.

Yet, that blood must be shed for the atonement of our sins. But woe be unto them by whom it is betrayed and rejected.

Christ did not set us at liberty through the shedding of His blood so that we would kill each other in order to hold onto it…it is only the greed for gain that man kills other men for...betraying other men and rejecting that Christ's blood shed put an end to the sacrifices made by man.

“For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8: 36, 37.

He will guard the feet of His saints,
But the wicked shall be silent in darkness. I Samuel 2:9

Can you kill someone then, as God often commanded His people to do, without shedding blood? Yes, by making them aware of their sins, they become dead in their sins. The shame for this leaves us empty inside…dead in our sins and in need of God love for salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, which pays its penalty of death and quickens us into the life we were meant to lead. It is what helps us to realize our need for God and not man, or ourselves to rule over our lives, setting us apart in His truth, so that we might freely give our will over to the will of God.

Where then is the manifestation of the conscious bearing thoughts, the plea stricken voice of those who have taken up God’s cause? Is it supressed by Satan, who deceives us into believing that we will be rejected, and into thinking that if we follow the example of men, that we can be like God in that others will respect us as though we are gods because we follow their lead in supressing the truth?


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