Monday, October 10, 2005

The Greatest of All Commanded

For it is commanded by God:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt ( the darkness of the lie), out of the house of bondage . ( out of the lies men deceived you into believing).
You shall have no other gods (men who try to deceive you into believing that they are gods through their outward show of morality and their position of judgment against men, while keeping God's ways a secret and a mysterious thing) before Me. (letting no man be our judge, but allowing God to judge us instead by the word in our heart and in our mouth.).

Thou shalt not take (in relationship to oneself) the Lord thy God’s name (His character as purposed for man) in vain (without taking up His cause).

Shame on us!!!... for believing that using God's title of "God", used when we are angry about what the world is doing is the same thing as what they would have us believe this commandment means.

Being Christian does not mean being Christ like but rather, it means submitting ourselves to His commandments and allowing ourselves to be made into His image…a follower of the way by choice in which He taught us by example and the spoken word of truth. It requires much more from us than simply being nice to everyone…we must love each other in spirit…but also in truth…in word and in deed...and truth spoken or evidenced does not always have the appearance of being nice…study the life of Christ and learn this for your self. Was He nice to those who were perishing...the Pharisees, the Saducees, the scribes and elders, those who professed to be the teachers of the law.

Anyone can be nice…you need no religious profession for can be a law unto yourself...but what sets Christians apart from the world is that they speak truth to everyone they meet for the sake of that individual’s salvation. They do this even at the expense of being rejected by those to whom they speak in hope that the words they speak will awaken in the individual his need for God…and yet…sadly…too many professing Christians do not even know what truth is…or how to speak it.

That my God is the author of diversity is true. All of nature testifies of it. But do the clouds fight to remain united with the sky? Does the earth do battle with the tree that’s planted in it? Does the dry land wage war against the roar of the sea? No, they yield to them. One day the clouds will let forth their moisture, yeilding to the sky that supports them. One day the tree will die and return to the earth that sustained, nourished and enriched it. One day the sea will withdraw to its place, and some of the dry land with it to become its foundation.

Even now all created things declare the glory of His excellence. There is nothing, except the selfish heart of man that lives unto itself. No bird that cleaves the air, no animal that walks upon the ground, but ministers to some other life. There is no leaf of the forest, or lowly blade of grass, but that has its ministry. Every tree and shrub and leaf pours forth that element without which no man nor animal could live; and man and animal, in turn, minister to the life of tree and shrub and leaf. The flowers breathe fragrance and unfold their beauty in blessing to the world. The sun sheds its light to gladden a thousand worlds. The ocean, itself the source of all our springs and fountains, receives the streams from every land, but takes to give. The mists ascending from its bosom fall in showers to water the earth, that it may bring forth and bud: Ellen White, “The Desire of ages.”

Only man, those who are of a one mind to do so, with his so called intellect, prudence, and wisdom, puts his ideals and desires and need to survive above all else in creation, including and especially each other, forgetting that death is only the passageway to life…and instead seeking for his own comfort in his effort to rule the world. But what is there in this world to rule over except the lives and souls of men.

But my soul will not be comforted...nor shall my life seek it...until all receive the truth.

“For whosoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whosoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.” Mark 8:35

Only man lives like this…carving up the earth…destroying it in the name of progress…killing for what neither belongs to him, nor , at times does he even need…yet he claims these things for himself, while at the same time claiming to be “under God” who is the Creator and Possessor of all. What matters most is by what name they call their God...whether the Prince of Peace...or the Prince of Darkness. The way each lives determines by what God they were made...despite what each may call themselves.

A tree is not known by the name it is called...but by the fruit that it bears.

He ( the one man, or the men who are of one mind to do evil) adds to this a lofty cause or ideal that stirs up the hearts of other men in order to draw them after him to do his dirty work, while he himself has no heart of his own. In his selfishness, his desire, his doubt, and his fear, he has become an instrument of Satan in order to do the works of the devil. Sitting far from the battlefield, these are men who cannot create one blade of grass, or any other living thing for that matter, but in all they create, death and destruction follows in his path. Dead works in which there is no life…dead works in which life is destroyed in order to create these works and feed his lusts wearing out the earth like an old cloth. He calls this progress and civilization of which we have already determined is false. But rather it is progress towards ruling over civilization, for which I am thankful to the Father for the scarlet thread He has intertwined into that vine.

Then, what is the heart of man?

That all men (and women) are created equal is true, but that does not mean that all men are created identical. That equal means identical is a lie. When God created Eve, he created a partner for Adam who was help to himself. Some would have you believe otherwise.Two diverse individuals, yet equally sharing God’s love in which they were created. It is God’s love and that He was their creator that has made them "bone of bone, and flesh of flesh, and they shall be as (like) one flesh." Not like one God, who is not flesh, but sharing the same purpose of spirit and truth, which is to obey, in their flesh, which is the spirit of truth in them, one GOD. The flesh was only the agent in which they were to do this by the very nakedness, or transparency which they stood before God.

For some men to impose their identical ideals, thoughts, visions, dreams and ambitions on anyone…or any nation…by coercion, intimidation, force, or fear, or even through the enactment of laws of any kind is an attempt to lord these same laws over men in an effort to compel others to become identical to them; to be one world, of one government...a New World Order... which is of their making and usurp Gods love as instruments of Satan, begetting instruments of Satan through the introduction of lies that create doubt and fear, which are the true causes of violence and corruption. Eve offering Adam the same fruit in which she ate. It is an attempt to defy Christ’s words when He said…

“In My Fathers house there are many mansions,” or the words of Paul… “There are diversities of ministries…but the same Lord”… “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit”… “And there are diversities of activities; but it is the same God who works all in all.” Or even that God made some to be honored and some to be dishonored…so who are we to say “why have you made me this way.” He made some to laugh and some to cry…some to be rich and some to be poor…some to lead and some to follow…some to sow…some to water… and some to reap. That the same God works all in all...which does not mean some in all, or all in some as they would like you to believe...but all in all.

If these ideals, these causes, these visions are equal to those of God, then we are reflecting His image and doing what is according to His Word and according to His will. But these manufactured causes are often not in equality with God’s. They are only disguised as though they were for the creation of wars. The very loftiness and ambition of their nature testifies where they are from. They test the true nature of men just as surely as Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness.

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.”

These causes are not for the purpose of teaching the voluntary act of love…but are for the oppression of other men through the deceit of a manufactured cause and for the sake of gain for a few. They are for the purpose of drawing men away from the Father. They are usually propagated by lies, disguised as truth, to create a fear that needs pride to cover it, making wars that only shift power from the hands of a select to the hands of a different select; whoever creates a better cause worth fighting for. What is worse is that the men who pursue these lies believe them, preferring to believe they are noble and good and more righteous above all others, and that their intentions are what is best for all the human race.

If that were so, then why do they fear the truth. Why do they build to protect themselves from the masses and use that fear to deceive? This is not a "New World Order," but is an world order that is of old and of "that old serpent, called the Devil/(Satan), the devil who was of old."

"So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelations 12:9

Only God is good, so why do we follow man...and his "new (old) world order." And I tell you, because he once again has deceived the world into thinking that his world order is new...but it is not is of old.

"He laid hold of that serpant of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceave the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while." ( so that he might try to once again deceive the nations)

But today, the nations are no longer deceived by Satan...they are standing out against him...and this time he will be seperated out and cast down forever...not as the world would seperate, but as men are seperated out for the truth. Satan is unwittingly attempting to cast out God, who is truth...but what he is unwittingly doing is seperating himself from the which time God will cast him into the everlasting lake of fire. He will bring about his own demise.

Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: “That You may be justified in Your words, and may overcome when You are judged.” Romans 3:4

Fear is a powerful and dangerous force. Men who create fear through lies are the same ones who use liberty as a cloak for covetousness. The soldier on the battle field gains nothing except to win or loose with his blood, or that of another, the cause he was sold. But when it’s over all will suffer except those who have gained the most power with the money or blood they used to buy it, or the cause they gathered men around...for they lost before they began but now no longer appear to suffer for it. Over time even those causes fought for may, or will soon die or be killed. In the end all will have to give an account.

The founding fathers of this nation…America…The United States…are rolling over in their graves while the elitist few have their way. Their evilness disguised as good intentions have led this nation down its path to ruin.

If there is one principle more deeply rooted in the mind of every American, it is that we should have nothing to do with conquest: -Thomas Jefferson

Is that still rooted in the mind of every American? Or have we lost our way?

How you can win the population for war:
At first, the statesman will invent cheap lying, ( the deceiver)that impute the guilt of the attacked nation, ( the accuser) and each person will be happy over this deceit that calm the conscience ( the mark of the beast).It will study it detailed and refuse to test arguments of the other opinion ( fear of the lie). So he will become convinced step for step even there from that the war is just and thank God, that he, after this process of grotesque even deceit, can sleep better. (lovers of the lie).: Mark Twain

“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

This is our pledge that we, the people of the United States of America, attempt to fulfill while the leaders of the so called free world enrich themselves on it by heaping its rewards to themselves through their conquests.

Though we are one nation, and claim in our pledge to be indivisible, our administrators have continually worked to divide us in an effort to either subjugate us to their agenda of power and greed, or marginalize us by their labels.

This is in essence, shoving our own pledge in our own faces so that some may benefit while lives and love are torn apart. It has been the way of some men throughout the history of man without ever learning a thing; "that serpent of old," because “We the People” insist on putting our decisions in the hands of anybody other than ourselves.

By doing this, it gives us someone to blame, and as long as we are willing to pay someone to blame, to have a human king over us, we give them free reign to do as they please…as long as you or I don’t have to take responsibility, pointing the finger and attempt to hold others responsible in the end.

We dare not come into the frightening presence of the mountain, so that we might feign ignorance in the end...let someone else speak to us...for we fear that if we hear God( Truth in all its terrible majesty)...we will surely die.

But we all share in the blame. Everyone who either supports the lies openly, or supports it through their silence, allowing it to continue while their conscience says it is wrong. All share in the guilt. All are guilty before God.

We will cover our mouths and say, “How did things get this way?” though it were a shock. Yet if we followed the golden rule to love one another as Christ loved us, in affectionate and fervent spirit through belief in the truth spoken and recorded in writting, then all should be as concerned for his or her neighbors salvation as much as they are for their own.

In that, we love one another as Christ loved us...we love our neighbor as ourselves. As He loved us...we love one another...make no mistake about its meaning...and by that truth, with that truth and for that truth, we love God with all our heart...the two are truth believed as loving God...the other truth believed asevidenced by loving our neighbor as ourself...with truth spoken out of concern for their matter their initial response towards or rejection of.


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